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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. oh the pornpics keep coming. i guess, an announcement is near, dear homosexuals!
  2. Food for thought: the album is not coming out in two weeks
  3. with the way how she flew to Sweden to hear fuckin Max Martin's opinion about the title track and gettin Abel on it, besides Blanco producing the lead, I am sure she does
  4. I think you are missing the point. The point is that there is a very big devoted fanbase of Lana that buys her physical releases and outside of her fanbse she is simply not that popular anymore. And she needs every single copy for the first week sales. Espeically now, when sales have reached a low point.
  5. Beyonce is not compareable in any shape or form with Lana. She can allow herself selling less the first week or two, Lana is extremly frontloaded and many of her fans buy physical copies, myself included.
  6. no way in hell she is doing a digital only release.
  7. Maybe some sort of self-reflection cause she ain't?
  8. Why should she not attend? The album is done. It's not up to her when it's gettin released. Oh, Imagine Dragons going head to head on June 16th against Lorde? I bet Interscope will focus on them instead
  9. if the album has been pushed back, which is a strong possibility now, then it's a label decision and she can not do anything about it now. however, however, however, if the label decides to do such a thing, it indicates that they are not very hopeful when it comes to this project, so a) the material is not strong enough and b) her team has failed to place her music in a way that it reaches an audience that is buying and streaming her shit. simple as that. if it is pushed back, she has no other choice than sit this out.
  10. yes and no. first of all, her team needs to do the job. there are more ways to place a product than just the artist doing 100 interviews, several tv shows etc. artists who are having their 4th or 5th era do not this anymore. or at least, most of them don't since the market is more focusing on airplay and streaming services. when they are unable to put her on as many playlists like lorde with the same audience, they have failed. when her team fails to place her FOR YEARS on the radio for no apparent reason, they have failed. it is a joke that lorde is having huge exposure on alternative radio and lana has none. it is a joke that love was not send out to pop or hac, while halsey is currently top20 on pop with now or never, which is not even that radio friendly (not with that voice). when a song is doing good on all metrics, artists are also motivated to promote in person, for instance doing a live performance. i am just stunned that lana stans have never actually confronted her with her lack of interest in giving us live performances so that we as a fandom have more quality live material than the one we have since like 2012? or why her live shows at festivals are not streamed? is she too greedy or what is her issue? i simply do not believe this anxiety thing anymore since she is constantly releasing. somebody who is anxious simply panics by the thought of being judged and every time you release, you will be judged. by critics and consumers. so this whole anxiety thing is simply starting to get on very thin ice.
  11. Ok, while I am very good looking, I am still just a gay guy with a normal income. How is it even possible that multi-millionaire female that looks relatively great, is only into fugly guys? Like, I never ever had men that unattractive like she had. Not even thought about it.
  12. a lil bird told me she was out g easy this weekend. has she truly lost her fuckin mind?
  13. it's just all bland. i hate it that her peers venture out to new fields, but she sticks to what she knows and is re-packaging the product for us. also, i have a back and forth with a lana stan on atrl via pm and he is cracking me up. ya lfl is just like "......UM.......OH.....dance on the H.....*moans* of the hhhhhollywoooooooood sign" SHUT UP
  14. i am just so disapointed in her with this "era" so far. with love everything started out nice, now it's just all gone. quite frankly, idek what i want: either this album coming not out at all or just finally listen to it to be over with it once and for all.
  15. Me setting trends on Analboards just as usual
  16. Receipts luv, otherwise your tomfoolery ain't workin
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