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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. Oh oh, somebody is angry I actually enjoy these type of sensational reactions about my posts.
  2. I can not find it anymore, but i remember very vividly that he produced that track. i know many ppl love justin (i do too, he is my seconda favourite justin after hottie biebs), but it ain't happening. lana has ditched him and dan heath for grandpa nowels and additional appeareances by godmile. in other news, ppl don't want or care about this song with abel. next song, pls!
  3. Spotify #60 UK #120 US #93 Worldwide it's over.
  4. this was not for the album, that was for the random soundtrack of that one depressed indie dude. a movie nobody has watched. a song i forgot the title of,
  5. Lol. I see somebody in here who probably still looks like the white Steve Urkel and will probably never be fucked. But I am sure, sometimes his mother pats him over his head to make up for it.
  6. that Aussie member got banned. His own fellow Aussie @Yungata took care of iT
  7. also, over the years katy has become quite a shield for several fanbases. First, she stomped all over Gaga in 2013 and the Liddos will never be over it, then the feud with Taylor and we know how big her fanbase is and then finally with the Army. When she gets dragged online, they totally gang up there in the comments and the rest laughs and follows suit. When you serve subpar material on top of it with awful live performances, you arebecoming a very easy target.
  8. Perks of being a superstar. Same was done with Fad when they booked her all the big promo spots to promote Million Noses til it finally became a hit with endless discounts. Big popstars always have some sort of plan b when the public ain't buying their shit, I can already sense that her album will be a tryhard mess with some faux woke-ism and terrible trendhopping. When artists like Fad and Tit vanish for 3 or 4 years and comeback with materiial this weak, you ask yourself what the hell they were doing? I pray Hitlor Gestapo Swift is next.
  9. If only Lana's singles would sell as much as Chained To The Lower Half Of The Top 10. But yeah, Katy is just coming accross way out of touch this time around. I blame Madonna for this mess
  10. Ma jarane, uputi se u pravac gagadaily. Tamo si uvijek dobrodosao.
  11. you are right. meghan can actually write decent songs unlike FAD
  12. yeah, they are more concert goers, listen to radio and stuff. they are not really devoted to artists like the young generation. But like I already stated several times before, I think it's stunning Stevie is on there. I hope Grandpa Nowels doesn't shit all over the production like he uses to way too often. I am really nervous about the acoustic songs since Lana's lyrics on Love and LFL are not really her finest moments. Love was decent, the lyrics on LFL however and that lil video she posted on Insta a week or so ago however
  13. you mean the older generation that is a) partly dead already or b) not buying music anymore, especially not a whole ldr album where stevie is just featured on one damn song? I think we need to be realistic about the Stevie feature. It's incredible that she wil however participate on this album and I hope she brings it
  14. well, halsey is a poptard like gaga, katy or meghan. so i am not sure why even bring her collabs up to prove a point? stevie is a certified legend, however, I am concerned about her contribution like I would be with everybody's who had his hey days 40 years ago. Love Stevie, one of my favourite female singers, I am still worried.
  15. I am not sure what this is supposed to tell me since Sean without his parents (especially his father) is pretty much a nobody in the music world, but whateva
  16. sorry, but i disagree with you here completly. the chorus was better than anything dual lupus for example has ever released.
  17. to be fair, only LFL is catering towards the mainstream, Love was pretty much very Lana.
  18. It's not the "promo" thing since many artists do not promote properly anymore with tv performances and such unless you are as desperate as Mr Faga. But Lana needs a lil bit more exposure with the right song. Love was that song. It screamed hit in Europe, it actually spend 10 weeks on the Swedish charts and was about to smash in the UK, with just a lil push, but they wasted it. LFL doesn't sound like anything remotly interesting from her and it's a shame since it features a good friend and one of the most popular artists right now.
  19. Love reached #15 on iTunes with a discount and minimal airplay. German fans just don't seem to be here for iLFL. It also doesn't sound like something that would be big here. Love did, but she pays us durst for years now, so ppl don't care.
  20. LFL is not doing well, but I am glad it went Top 40 in the UK. At least, SOMETHING. The discount in Germany totally doesn't work. Instead of climbing, she is falling hard.
  21. So much better than anything by Mr Faga
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