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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. I think I would be a great mod, personally. I'd ban all the Gaga stans and bring back the Mariah stan (don't tell ur mother)
  2. leaked_version

    Miley Cyrus

    Queen Of Music!
  3. I think I made my final choice. You are the best member of this fanbase.
  4. it they were any, it would be all over twatter and gaylr within seconds
  5. u mean Salvatore(feat. Lady Gaga)? I am SUCH a fan of Gags
  6. She can still turn this around though. Ditch Honeymoon as a promo single, release another track, post on your IG account frequently ffs, give ppl something to talk about. I am suprised that there is so little vision and focus behind this release for an artist that takes her art so serious. She can't even fix the damn hotline
  7. Uv didn't have that problem. It was always pretty high on iTunes all the time. And it was because of the choices for promo singles. TLY and HM are good album tracks, but have very little promo qualities.
  8. you can not hope for that since there won't be enough airplay, promo from Lana or anything. If she wants to achieve anything, she has to at least make a build-up through social media with teasing to increase attention. we all know, she won't be anywhere to be seen during release week after it. And b4 somebody posts "Lana doesn't make music for the charts", well she better come up with that mixtape for free like Azealia and because she is a successful recording artist we all found her and are here now.
  9. album is currently #31 in the US and falling. just two days ago it was insode the Top20. It is almost out of top 100 in the UK (#91 and free-falling), out of the top 100 in Germany (#118 and free falling there, too). If she waits another 8 days to release a song we already know that recieved rather a lukewarm response from fans, with a single that is dead on iTunes, this album is almost doomed to underperform heavily. Say what you want, but pre-.orders looked waaaay better for UV at this point. Lana, what are you doing?
  10. dude, you also posted that the 248k for HBTB were realistic.You discredited yourself a while ago actually
  11. You will eat your words and will be proven wrong after a few weeks. I can tell you.
  12. to an important extent, these things do matter. We all want great music. We can all contribute by buying the album and singles. Lana is also not doing this for reacreation purposes. She is a major label recording artist. If releasing music didn't make her living, she wouldn't do it.
  13. First of all, you messed up completly with these numbers and the 3rd week numbers aren't even out yet for HBTB. The YT views are okay, not good or great at all. TLY just got over 2 million. This is actually pretty bad. UV did go No. 1 when it first got up on pre-order. I know that people were joking that she would drop out of the Top 50 or lower after a week and I saw with my own eyes since I was checking it several times a day when it went up. As a matter of fact, she always stayed pretty high on iTunes. Shades of Cool, the title track and Brooklyn Baby came back to back with a week in between and gained her a lot of traction for the first week. Lana needs frontloaded sales, cause she ain't doing anything later on. An Amazon discount these days is not a big deal. You can get very little from that. And she didn't have a 80% decline, it was 74 or 75 % drop for the second week. Alternative radio was playing West Coast a lot (it reached No.3 on AAA), so it helped her for the following weeks. HBTB won't have that effect, since it is not really something AAA formats play a lot.
  14. the album went No,1 on pre-order I followed that closely. Besides, how can I even argue with you when you can't even do simple math? 67+28+27= 189? Really?
  15. It's actually not and you will see that soon enough, besides she was longer No.1 with UV than she was with HM. The pre-order singles UV an BB got to No.1 as pre-order singles and brought much attantion to UV. Being No. 1 on pre-orders on itunes for 2 days doesn't mean much. Sales are down by a large margin. The first week sales are an indicator how intact your fanbase and how anticipated your album is by the public in general. Being up there for two days is not that strong. HBTB won't reach the overall sales of WC despite not dropping out of the charts. It also won't be received in the same way as WC by AAA radio formats. It's holding on better but it will maybe chart one or two wekes longer than West Coast. As a matter of fact, UV never dropped out of the Top15 on iTunes, Honeymoon is now at 23 and always going up between 23 and 27. Since Honeymoon is a track that won't get her a new attention and she will be waiting for another 9 days to release it (which is a long time for an album up on pre-order close to release), the album won't increase its numbers much. Her music is not on the radio, her media presence is almost down to zero.
  16. I wish the music was better actually. Honeymoon is a snoozefest and TLY is very pretty, but it should not be nowhere near a promo single. If the tracks we have is the best she has to offer like with the UV promo singles, then this release is gonna be weak
  17. this album will bomb so hard. i am really afradi for this. the pre-orders in the UK and Germany are a nightmare. The US pre-orders are doing way worse than for UV.
  18. they have not even listened to the album. Polydor has not send out the album for reviews yet. There won't be a review. It would be way to early anyway.
  19. Fans should actually support their favourite artist by buying the singles, streaming the music and buying the album when it comes out. That is our job. If you don't want to, there are some real try-hard gimmicks releasing music right now like Halsey. Go and support her if you want that big pop gesture moment and all the promo.
  20. Y'all gonna end up screaming and running when MTWBT is another slow ballad, just like Hünnimüün and Terrence Loves Ü.
  21. they wouldn't, but the damage that is done is not to repair. your first week sales are basically all digital. Sales for vinyl are nice, but for the big picture completly irelevant. Physical copies of Cd's still sell more, espcially in Europe. That lowers your numbers and when numbers are out, nobody cares if the album leaked or not. I hope she can avoid a leak.
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