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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. She looks awful. She is a millionaire and a celebrity. No excuse, honestly. She fucks up her face but can't hit the gym or find a decent stylist? Priorities, I guess.
  2. Eminem and Gaga released around the same time and they are both on Interscope. If I remember the first week sales for ARTPOP on ATRL (and the great mess) correctly, he released just one week before her. We just don't know what the plans are and it could be that the album is postponed til Oct / Nov. I mean, she is currently on vacation, when you usually have better things to do before you release an album.
  3. these endless discussions about BTD / UV and success that I also love to take part in It's simple: UV did have a different sound, the decline in sales was something she could not avoid, but at least she stepped up her game in terms of music. Everything else however was a mess. From the artwork, to the videos, the interviews, the horrible Glasto performance...Like, girl...do not step out when you're not ready. But actually, the biggest difference between Lana then and Lana now is that she was driven, interested in her visuals, determined. She wanted to create something strong on all levels and hands down: she would not have this fanbase if she was not the one she used to be. All this speculation that she is just depressed, sad, anxious, and whatnot I don't care. Even low budget artists have better and more entertaining visuals than her. I love this woman, but hands down: she lacks focus and determination. And you simply need to have these things to succeed. And before this grahamguy starts posting about Dylan and co. Cut that BS. That was like 50 years ago.
  4. Dreaming Away Your Life Dreaming Away Your Life Dreaming Away Your Life Dark Blue
  5. The thing is: Lana can't force shit since she is signed to Interscope. They are her boss. If they have decided to release it later on, it will be released later on. Their main focus now is Selena. She has a top10 single now and she has been signed recently to Interscope. She has potential and has not peaked yet. Lana however has. And they have probably heard the material. Idk why she should push a September release like some here say since she ain't doing anything anyway to keep an album afloat.
  6. Actually, besides the song Honeymoon of which we don't know if it is the first single or not, we don't have any confirmation about any dates, neither single nor album. And that she has two videos: well, great! I hope we see the PWYC video one day.
  7. yes and her single is out for like 4 weeks and her album is coming on oct, 9th. she has a confirmed date. we don't even have a confirmed release date for the 1st single (!) for a record that is supposed to come out in sept. if you don't see the mess there....
  8. It iis coming for Muriah ha record in no time.
  9. I actually feel the opposite. Honeymoon sounds like a closer.
  10. I kind of disagree about the part where you say it's one of the better bad guy songs. I mean, when you are with a bad guy, make the song dangerous, exciting. I really had to force myself last week to listen to Honeymoon again. It's pretty much BE-ICF-WFL-territory.
  11. It really is. ABBA were really capable of delivering some great pop songs. I also hope that one day somebody gives Lana a Kate Bush record. Not that she has to sound or write like Kate (won't happen anyway), but just in terms of conceptualising a record. The Hounds Of Love with its two sides is brilliant.
  12. I am currently quite intrigued by the idea of Lana covering ABBA, tbh. Songs like "Lay All Your Love On Me" or "One Of Us". I think it would perfectly suit her.
  13. I love BTD and I love UV. I even like the song. What are you tryin to say, dear?
  14. and when it comes to the video, I really don't know if I am stable enough to witness another Instagram filter hell scenario. Even her AKA videos looked better, like WTF? I wonder where her sense for creating beautiful, strong visuals has gone?
  15. Well, IF this album comes out in Septemeber it is 8 weeks away (the most). And we still don't even have a single or the name of the lead single. Or the release date of the single. She got tired of the HM account already. These are actually not very good signs, just sayin
  16. She is a Siri version of Lana. That's all.
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