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Everything posted by kingadam

  1. she should release it officially on her Vevo before it leaks as usual :s
  2. she has to get them, if not both at least ONE!
  3. could possibly be true!! in several interviews she said that she wanted to be a poet, and by the way that she writes her own lyrics i think we all can see she is capable of A LOT!! and American Poet could easily be a title, I mean she is American, she wanted to be a Poet!!
  4. Blake the guitarist doesnt have like pages or stuff! like they aren't VERY well known people, which is great IMO !
  5. hey guys, can someone please tell me the names of her band members? the guitarist pianist etc ..!! thank u
  6. I was just thinking, HOW EPIC would it be if they used her Paradise tour intro as an intro for the Tropico video?
  7. plus the crowd were SO LOUD! duno if it had anything to do with that!
  8. I hope we get at least 1 professionally recorded shows from Lollapalooza
  9. I think she was talking about the mic, obviously?
  10. did she ever say that she recorded videos for Dark Paradise and Cola?
  11. You guys are so lucky, you got to meet her, my friends didn't meet her they arrived late !! niyyalkon
  12. I hope we get it late july early august !! and I HOPE she gives us Cola;s and DP's videos!
  13. We can deal, as long as they eventually come !!
  14. then where is it? we were supposed to get that along to the Dark Paradise video on March 1-st! with the release of Dark Paradise (single mix)
  15. well, I'm guessing it will be (SHOULD BE) like 20 minutes long. the three songs (Body Electric, Bel Air and Gods & Monsters) are 11:47 minutes, there will be an intro, outro and the transition between the songs! but gosh imagine a 30 min of Lana *__* !
  16. I hope this doesnt take ages to get released or even gets canceled like Cola or DP !
  17. look st her all hard working and stuff, she was touring Europe, she went back to the US shot Tropico and now back to the UK !!
  18. are those last two actually in the video :O ? thats EPIC
  19. Are you guys aware that in a short time we will experience our best 20 minutes EVER?
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