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About nautibynature

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  1. I honestly forget, I think maybe through Kieren Adams. Someone showed me her ALX video and I was looking for people to work with and she clearly had the chops to make bops
  2. ask me anything. and if you were real internet detectives you would have checked the location of that image i posted
  3. She didn't write those at my house skinny king is that my official title in the allie lore
  4. https://twitter.com/Nautiluss/status/983753993880031232
  5. Because I kept seeing my name pop up in google vanity searches and I want to clear up some things. Again, I have proof, so entertain the idea.
  6. Well, Allie would definitely not like that, so no. I almost fell for a catfish email back when she first got popular, luckily I texted her before I sent it all. I did recently find the original sheet of paper she wrote the lyrics for a bunch of the songs, want to see that?
  7. Hello it's me, Nautiluss, ask me anything
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