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Everything posted by Alunadelrey

  1. So I messaged costumer service about my picture disc having pops and I was hoping to get a coupon cause I wanna buy the cassettes next and want some savings. Well they gave me a full refund for the inconvenience Also I'm shocked how good the customer service was this time. I've heard bad things about them.
  2. This what I did too. I got a full refund and got to keep the record. Only thing for me they gave me store credit which is still fine. Maybe I will get the standard vinyl with that.
  3. Yay I got my green vinyl way earlier than I thought! Now I have all them in person but the white and standard black. So quality wise in side (best to worst) Amazon>Target>Indies>Picture Disk Honestly most of the tracks sounds amazing on each variant but a few clicks and pops here the there on a few tracks.
  4. I love how Lana can do both, pretty dark songs and hip hop influenced songs. She is very versatile artist. I used to be not a fan hip hop/ rap but Lana has help me get into it more.
  5. I'm so mad USPS they are refusing to deliver my Amazon vinyl. I have to go in and pick it up but they are claiming to be delivering my Picture Disk today at my adress. I really hate my local postal office.
  6. This place shipped mine today and I just ordered this morning. https://www.sgrecordshop.com/p/26096399
  7. Stupid USPS claimed they had no access to deliver for my Amazon vinyl. I literally saw the mail lady pull up in the drive away and then leave without trying. No my access my butt. So I did a re- delivery request to have them deliver to the door. So she has to come to the door. This has been a constant battle with this same mail lady ever since I moved to my new place. Bright side, I danced for tips all weekend to buy the rest of the variants. White is gonna be shipped in May. Then Indies and target already shipped even though I just purchased them today. Also target gave me one day shipping for free. So tomorrow I will get 3 variants in one day (Amazon, Target and The Picture Disk)
  8. Your welcome and I'm not sure when or if they will sale out. I say order it and cancel if you need to later. Amazon doesn't charge you until they are ready to ship.
  9. Well your in luck there is a restock on Amazon US in the next month or two. Edit : https://www.amazon.com/Banisters-Amazon-Exclusive-Transparent-White/dp/B09FQ36XY6
  10. Looks like there is gonna be a restock of the white vinyl on Amazon US in a month or two. https://www.amazon.com/Banisters-Amazon-Exclusive-Transparent-White/dp/B09FQ36XY6
  11. I'm so angry at Persona 5 Royale on gamepass. I'm made it to a boss battle thats like 50 hours in and I'm literally stuck cause the difficulty spike. I'm also over leveled and that's doesn't even help me. I'm reading guides and even they are saying its ridiculously hard for no reason. I'm literally angry at a game, so I quit for now and I'm listening to Lana to clam me down lol. Just needed to rant and didn't want to make a whole thread just for that.
  12. They did this with my COTCC vinyl and I was able get a huge discount on the COTCC CD Box set with the store credit.
  13. I also preorder in December and had Amazon saying it wont be delivered until april 4th but by stroke of luck they shipped it today. I think I literally got lucky.
  14. Exactly. Im really thinking more and more it's a boxset but im sure we will see in the next 2 weeks what this really is.
  15. That's what im hoping. I did notice just now the UPC matches up to white vinyl variant. So not 100% sure what it could be then.
  16. New vinyl variant or a mistake ? I dont believe at all the picture they are using for this listing is the artwork but just a placeholder. From what I can tell this one is will be around $65 and has different UPC code compared to the other vinyl versions. Also it says it releases on april 7th. https://www.merchbar.com/pop/lana-del-rey/lana-del-rey-did-you-know-that-there-s-tunnel-under-ocean-blvd-vinyl-record-5904559?ucc=US&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlPWgBhDHARIsAH2xdNfpreltNv2_clgM_sc7s_ai8QYboB3jfsBGHAAiPJN2fgmKSAL-_mwaArtdEALw_wcB Also when you search the UPC code only a few listings come up. One them being the ecord store day website.
  17. So far we seen all the vinyl variants but the white one and the standard black.
  18. I'm glad i can contribute and give good info to you all. I like the purple too but that pink matches better.
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