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Posts posted by Fingertips

  1. She is. Is it a bad thing ? NO. Judging a person for not sharing one particular point of view is literal fascism. 


    Agreed. Also, ranting on a Lana Del Rey forum isn't being "politically active." Political activism requires actual protest. Activism consists of efforts to promote, impede, direct, or intervene in social,political, economic, or environmental reform with the desire to make changes in society.


    What exactly will ranting on a Lana Del Rey forum do to enact change?

  2. Many artists that are poor, actually poor, tend to be politically active and art is inseparable from politics given art's long history of being sponsored by patrons who had political motives behind what they commissioned and yes, choosing not to be socially or politically aware is in itself a political stance as there is no neutral ground to take and silence is its own form of rhetoric 


    but anyway nearly at 3000 girlies! 4000 by aug 30th?


    What exactly are you doing to be socially and politically active, pincurlsandpearls, from LanaBoards? 

  3. Hey y'all. I'm looking to sell two tickets for the NY show that I got on StubHub two days ago, but realized the Ticketmaster tickets were much cheaper. If any of you are interested, just let me know. I really would like to get some of the money I spent on them back. The seats are pretty good and directly in front of the stage in the mezzanine section. 

  4. Some of you.... should really log off and take a walk outside 

    Jesus Christ. If the woman doesn't talk about X subject (in a song or post) she doesn't care, if she talks about X subject (in a song or post) then she's vapid, shallow and doesn't do enough.


    Like, dudes, go out, breathe in breathe out have a smoke or two and just relax :eek:


    This. LB could greatly benefit from one giant blunt 

  5. What...part of that seemed angry? I'm literally borderline catatonic and I've already taken a sleeping pill.


    You don't have to be angry to have a full blown meltdown. Writing paragraphs about how you feel "lied to" when no release date even came out of her mouth, and the only release dates that were out were only speculated and twisted by her psychotic fanbase who believe everything that they read on the internet, seems a little...on edge to me. I assure you that things will be okay.

  6. This is the last album I'm here for. I'm just...not a selfless person? I don't do things for free. When I support an artist, I expect a certain amount of consideration, and also effort on their part. It's nice that she cares enough about her fans to sign things and take pictures, but I personally don't appreciate being lied to and led on for months. I'm not going to scream her name until my voice goes out or harass her to sign my Ultraviolence vinyl, but I certainly would have benefited from a simple "sorry guys, focusing on other projects, album won't be out till fall" tweet back in January. The overall lack of effort has been more than pronounced, in every aspect of her art. This is shaping up to be the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.gif


    Jokes aside (no, I don't seriously believe they replaced her with a clone) it really feels like the Lana I knew & loved for 5 years is dead and gone. Being a fan of several artists who are actually dead, that's not a deal-breaker for me; these 5 years of A+ quality are not erased from my memory. The person & artist she used to be still is quite important to me. But the person she is now bores and disappoints me. Half the time she's 34 going on 13, and the rest she's 34 going on 50. The few glimpses of the "old Lana" we get every now and then are simply not enough. I'll hold onto the past, but I can't being myself to be half as invested in the present, or the future. She can go and become a mumble rapper for all I care. I have Born To Die, Paradise, UV, Honeymoon, AKA, even Lust For Life and Sirens, not to mention hundreds of unreleased songs to remember her by. I already like some songs from NFR, and chances are I'll like at least a couple more. But the rest just feels flat and generic.


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