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Posts posted by Fingertips

  1. That and serial killer line are just parodic. Still holding out hope that she reworked those lyrics.


    I've forgiven her for a lot of cringeworthy lyric choices that ruin great tracks the past few records, but HIAB is definitely the biggest offender to me. Probably because the melody is super basic as it is, that the lyrics just make it way worse. At least Coachella and Freak had something interesting about them. 


    I've had a setlist in mind if she had an NFR tour in my notes for a while since I was gonna write a blog post about my ~dream nfr tour~ so here's mine xoxo

    Mariner's Apartment Complex
    God Knows I Tried
    Lust for Life
    Blue Jeans
    Doin' Time
    West Coast
    Terrence Loves You
    Sad Girl
    Norman Fucking Rockwell
    White Mustang
    Video Games
    Cinnamon Girl
    Born to Die
    Off To The Races
    Venice Bitch



    UHHHHH this would be the best Lana concert ever

  3. I do think people got carried away dragging chuck on her post-people saw other people doing it and saw it as their time to chime in and get some aggression out and it was too much for sure. However, despite the over the top commentary, they weren’t wrong lol. Yeah the shitty album covers we got were because they were Lana’s vision BUT if chuck tried a little harder she could have made those photos better and still adhered to Lana’s ideas. Just because she’s Lana’s sister doesn’t mean she gets immunity from critiques on her work, although people should be a little more constructive/nicer about it.


    Maybe if these people stopped acting so authoritatively about their opinions, I could understand this. Just because someone doesn't like an album cover, doesn't mean everyone has to feel the same way. Made those photos better? According to whom? You? How do you know these weren't Lana's ideas and that she wasn't happy with the photos? 

  4. not sure if this was discussed. but im upset over how chuck is treated. i understand and i agree, she isnt the best LDR photographer and the urban cover was a CHOICE (even though i did buy it :hooker: ). but when she posted the cover yesterday, god the comments were awful. people were flat out telling her to fuck off and get away from lana. some fag even went on a whole paragraph rant about why this is the biggest disappointment, first off its not that deep damn. second, this is lana's sister! lana probably hates us enough lets just fucking directly attack and harass her sister. and im really not being dramatic. go check out the comments urself if you didnt see. some were seriously not ok and i cant even imagine how she feels being obviously happy with her first version and seeing all this unnecessary direct hate, over what? a picture? being so dramatic and crude over a P H O T O. directly attacking the photographer? i really hope ive seen it all but god knows how far these fags will go


    My thing is...Chuck actually has some great artwork with other artists. These rats need to get it through their skull that a big part of Chuck's work with Lana is mostly LANA'S VISION. These images and artwork are more likely what LANA wants. Not her fucking sister. 

  5. Oh my god why are people so damn worried and attatched to this whole car thing? It almost seems having a car on the cover is more important than the content of the album and the cover actually fitting to the album theme. Bunch of whiny brats complaining about the most mundane things. I'm over it.


    These rats are the textbook definition of entitled. She's not a machine and she doesn't have to do everything they want her to do. This is her best album cover to me because it has meaning. End of story

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