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Posts posted by Fingertips

  1. GUYS


    remember when Lana said that Lust For Life told a story and that Get Free was like she moving on to a next chapter?


    Get Free literally ends with sounds of birds and waves crashing.


    It was there the whole time




    i know i'm tripping i just got home and i'm still pumped from everything that happened today


    This would have been amazing if Mariners Apartment Complex was track #1

  2. i dont know how much more cinnamon will be. im excited to hear it in HQ, but how much different can the instrumental get? and the lyrics? i feel like its gonna be max 3:30.


    I agree. Cinnamon is by far the track we've heard the most from. Love Song, California, and Happiness Is A Butterfly we have a lot left to hear, and How to Disappear has completely different production from the live version

  3. Why do you all keep saying we've heard the whole album? 1. The snippets she posted were 30 seconds to a minute maximum 2. They were low quality, and hearing songs in high quality freshens everything up, and 3. Did any of you expect Venice Bitch to be a nine minute progressive track before it was revealed? 


    I genuinely think we've only scratched the surface with this record. 

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