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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. Oh wow look stuff from years ago zzzzz.... zzzzz..... issa list... zzzz... If you’re tired, it’s cool to just not say anything???!!!!!! Nobody is making you do it! You have shit to leak? Leak it then. If not, go back into your cave and don’t come back out a week later waving a flag that says “I KNOW INFO YET I WONT PROVE IT!!” If you want to be part of conversations, then that’s fine! But there’s no need to be arrogant every post you make. Being a washed out leaker isn’t shit to me lmfao (this is going off of every interaction I’ve ever had with you on this site) you’re just like any other member here, love That’s what’s making me.... yawwwwwn.... zzzzzz..... zzzzz....
  2. It’s just annoying when leakers keep saying things that they won’t (can’t? Idk) back up with evidence. You don’t have to share the whole video, you can just simply take a screenshot showing the duration of it! The way I see it is like this: you have info to share, share it and provide evidence to back yourself OR stfu it’s simple. Bc now you’re just wanting someone to praise you
  3. I’m not begging for anyone to think the same thing as me about Eclipse or any other leakers. But some of you act like cult members about some of them... you guys gotta remember tho... the leakers from 2 years ago have basically stopped leaking anything. Either they have nothing or know nothing and a lot of what they say at this point is 90% bullshit for attention. They’ve all gotten to be this way and it’s the truth. I’m sorry I’m just tired of this fandom getting worked up about someone without any supporting reason now
  4. And was wrong when someone else knew something he didn’t. Nothing he’s saying now is really early anymore. We knew about Saturday a few pages ago lmao he was right with the lyrics since he had the snippets but we got those a few hours later anyway so lmao idk, I’m just not expecting him to have the album or videos or anything early like he plays along as.
  5. Eclipse must’ve seen that link someone shared earlier lol he knows nothing we don’t at this point
  6. @@evilentity had a great breakdown of what that could possibly mean in the lyric thread for the song. It was something along the lines of “the world is on fire” or something. It’s a better explanation if you check that thread out there
  7. Lana’s been doing double releases a lot. MAC & VB, LFA & SOTW, now TG & FIILY ugh I love this ladies we truly are eating
  8. Wow these are coming so soon.... idk what to do, should I listen when it’s out? Should I save them for the album listen through? I CANT TAKE THESE DECISIONS ughhhhhhhhhhh Fuck it I love youuuu-uuuu
  9. It’s her own team doing the promos for that probably. Like her marketing team. Apple probably and Spotify even will have the titles censored but the marketing/promo art will be censored more so to appeal to a larger market. I see it in the pic above as “F*** It I love you”
  10. Idk since more than one source is sharing it, it doesn’t seem fake to me
  11. Can we kind of expect the songs tomorrow or Friday again?
  12. Wait really? Do you have a screenshot of your spotify we can see? EDIT SORRY BABE I JUST SAW YOUR ABOVE POSTS!!!
  13. There’s fucks I want to fuck to you And I’ll just let you fuck Cause if you fuck me without fucking me You’ll be the first who ever fucked There’s fucks I want to fuck to you But better just to fuck Cause if you fuck me without fucking me You be the first who ever fucked Ooohhhhh woooooahhhh Ooooo ahhhh woooooah Hold me fuck me Love me fuck me Be the first who ever fucked
  14. I really need to come back to this thread and start actually gathering info for this lol I’ve just been busy af and stayed in the NFR pre-release thread lately. I’ll be back here and fix the first post with links and stuff
  15. Idk it’s gone now ): never mind.... Ohhh okay thanks ):
  16. It’s on that universal link shared on the last page idk
  17. It’s available for me in the US for signed stuff. It says it’s more expensive but not much only like $2-$3 or so
  18. [Lana’s next cover will go like this] Nobody: Lanaboards: Still fucking nobody: Lana: All u ladies pop ur pussy like this shake ur body don’t poop dont piss
  19. My mom actually has one and loves it. It’s kind of cute too bc it goes back to its home when it needs to charge all by itself and sometimes it’ll run into things and it’s just kind of funny when you’re stoned lol it’s a great product 10/10 would buy
  20. Does anyone else remember when some stores had Honeymoon out early? I remember going and trying to buy a copy and it wouldn’t let me at Target, the register blocked the sale of the CD until that Friday. It was so disappointing lol
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