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Everything posted by fishtails

  1. I wanna say I'm surprised she posted about something random but honestly I'm not that surprised
  2. Its interesting that Lana posted this because this picture was on that devoutmermaid account but I think the account got deleted or something because I can't find it anymore haha
  3. I played it for my boyfriend and he liked it so much he asked to hear it again later that day
  4. Something else thats interesting about this poem is that I think Lana said in an interview once that she was only thinking of astrology when writing Chemtrails, and I think she must have taken a lot of inspiration from Tessa and what she told Lana when she did readings for her
  5. I mean, if @Eclipse tweeted about it I think I lot of people would see it ?
  6. Yes! I love the 40s/50s vintage theme she's been going with so far and I hope she sticks with it cuz it really suits her!
  7. I wish someone who meets her would ask about when the new album is coming
  8. Well she did post those videos about Violet last Thursday later on in the day so maybe she's waiting until then I think it might still be kinda early where she's at too
  9. hun this is a Lana thread, if you wanna talk about halsey go somewhere else
  10. um what are you even talking about? NFR was arguably Lana's most successful album and I think you're the only one here who doesn't like it
  11. I feel like if she had released Violet back in January, we probably would have gotten COCC over the summer (or September 5th) because Lana and her team wouldn't be trying to deal with two projects at once like they are now
  12. that's true, with the audio book it doesn't make too much sense that she would be reading more poems on the radio (but I'm probably just being hopeful)
  13. Even thought it probably is just for Violet, I hope she at least says something about the album
  14. Here's the link (of course they spelled her name wrong lol) https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000mync
  15. I just saw on Instagram that Lana will be performing on BBC Radio 1 on Monday!! COCC is coming!! Edit: unless its for Violet
  16. I got an email from them about 15 days after I ordered and they said it would take 10-15 business days for them to process the order before it ships...pretty weird haha but I think it'll ship soon
  17. I ordered the floral crop top on there back in September, and after waiting until a few days into December, I canceled the order because nothing had shipped and ordered it on the Universal Music Group Store and it shipped like two days after haha but it was also shipped from the UK to the US so it did still take a while to get here. But, my point is that I don't know if I would trust merchbar again...they have a lot of bad reviews online and it kinda just seems sketchy at this point
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