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Wanna Get Fucked Up

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Posts posted by Wanna Get Fucked Up

  1. honestly thank god we have a decently long snippet of breathe out that we can add to our libraries despite it not being on the library... in terms of the album charli plz scrap c2.0 and leave the rest

  2. ok so charli just posted the 14 potential songs.

    in addition to those 14 what have we heard that is 100% scrapped? all i can remember is breathe out (which hopefully just got its name changed and is still on the album)

  3. i want the janet album sooooo bad  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated: for some reason i see it being like xcx world in the sense that she keeps calling it super pop and polished with a full aesthetic and mostly solo music 

  4. i think the reason people asking for hbhg hasnt ended is because its like the only song of charlis thats literally UNLISTENABLE in the live recording, like at least p4u, lucy liu, up n down, and all the other unreleased are good quality/remasters  :defeated:

  5. why are so many people suddenly trashing the charli era? i loved it omg

    i didn't hate it at all! it just felt like a mix of authentic charli and her label pushing for a mainstream/commercial hit. plus the tracklist was such a mess as a result of this

  6. this era only started like a month ago and its already 100000000x better than charli era which was like a year and a half... the hifn teasers/demos/interaction/HER GETTING TO CHOSE THE TRACKLIST & PRODUCERS.... a dream literally a dream!

  7. we literally have a separate charli album that was inspired by janet jackson coming soon... i have a feeling that even though hifn is a pc album she's capable of switching up the sound and hopefully that album will prove it!   :xgiggle:

  8. i feel like claws is amazing but the outro is nowhere near as magical and ethereal as the outro of forever... but the first verse/intro of forever is not as exciting as that of claws... i think they're kinda tied imo.


    but at the end of the day they are just 2 queens maximizing their joint slay! :flutter:

  9. The only thing i'm scared with this project is that every song she is gonna tease and not release is gonna end up being asked for by twinks for the next 4 years on her twitter, because let's not forget that it's a 10 tracks album

    she already implied the track amount is flexible and she might go over 10 tracks so there's a chance she'll release all the snippets we've heard thus far!

  10. she literally hasn't teased a single bad demo/snippet this entire era... i think this may be her best album fr fr fr especially with P4U 2.0 which sounds like it already outsold the original


  11. i just realized this is the first era in literally years where she's releasing new music that she hasn't played live prior to releasing... even with Charli she played gone & wm before they were out iirc... how exciting!  :flutter:

  12. she just did an interview and said that the original plan was to do janet album soon, and then later in the year isolate herself with only AG and SOPHIE to make a separate album in a month. now she switched the order but SOPHIE is nowhere to be seen as of yet :( check @fckyeahcharli for the interview

    Where are people getting this information that the album at the end of the year was going to be AG & Sophie?

  13. PRAYING that she gets SOPHIE to work on how i'm feeling now so this can make up for the sophie/ag album and then we get the janet album later in the year  :ohno:  :ohno:  :ohno:  :ohno:  :noparty:

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