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Wanna Get Fucked Up

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Posts posted by Wanna Get Fucked Up

  1. forever is infinitely better when you play it on headphones/speakers, sounds like actual shite when i play it straight from my phone/mac



  2. not to be a Judgy Gay™ but 98% of the artworks i've seen these twitter f*gs post are soooooooooo bad and uninspired... like they fully look like they were made on picnik... ma you are not a graphic designer and that is OKAY!

  3. my biggest fear rn is that she's gonna collaborate with more clowns :'( i was sooo looking forward to XCX4 because she said it was gonna be mostly solo and now we'll probably have to deal with some shite features and production

  4. i highly HIGHLY doubt she'll be dropping a studio album because of everything that's going on. i think we'll likely get a mixtape/EP or a few singles at the very least. my guess is it will all be unheard charli x AG stuff - probably some brand new and maybe older Pop 2/Charli rejects

  5. does anyone have a link to charli performing taxi at exchange LA? it used to be on twitter and on some asian youtube-like site but it seems its completely gone from the internet now :(

  6. PERIOD, Miss U is better than SEVERAL songs on Charli and would've made it much more cohesive compared to songs like BIOYL and 1999

    If Warm made the cut for "Charli," Miss U should have made the cut too dammit! :toofunny:

  7. in azealia banks' newest podcast she literally shits on charli and says that charli/pc music is all a product of her early music and they were completely inspired by azealia.... it's SOOOO funny to me  :lmao:

  8. could also be "bust it in the club like a crazy B" as in short for bitch - remember this was the album of "we keep it B-A-U-tiful" 

    tea but i think she meant it as "BE-A-U-tiful" 

  9. tbh I think charli should reallllllly stop with the collabs... N1A collabs were great bc it was a cute all-girl concept, pop2 some of them were starting to get shitty (some were cute tho) but by charli I think everyone was so tired of them, like me and everyone i know's fav songs are all the solo ones - I found pretty much every feature on charli unnecessary :( 

  10. I'd say no angel, girls night out, unlock it, silver cross in the sense that they've all got those sugary synths

    don’t know the discography well.

    which songs are similar to Focus? (it’s such a bop!)

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