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Up All Night

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Everything posted by Up All Night

  1. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    omg vroom vroom is so good i havent been this excited since before true romance !! imagine an entire album of songs like this and imagine the live shows!!!
  2. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    yeah it probably is haha thanks anyway maybe she did start at 14
  3. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    do you guys know when she started writing songs? like what age? everywhere on the internet it says 14 but i have this like vague memory of her talking about writings songs before 14 but that could be so wrong. like i remember this radio interview where she talked about some song she wrote about being a mermaid when she was a kid but maybe that was just from when she was 14 hm idk also that mermaid song, she said you could find it on the internet somewhere of course she didnt really mention where.........
  4. same, i like halsey but ever since i heard of her ive had this like uncomfortable feeling of inauthenticity. i actually think shes inconsistent and makes weird choices ? like the second mv for ghost. it feels so forced to have the video be gay when the song is like "... boy boy boy!!!" you know. its just uncomfortable ? trying to appeal to straight ppl with the lyrics + trying to appeal to gay ppl with the video ??? she feels v off. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ still listen to her though
  5. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    has there been any noise about her tracks w sophie? i need vroom vroom its soo good
  6. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    Its from a show she did in Budapest back in 2013, god ive watched it like a billion times haha youll find it on youtube if you search charli xcx live budapest
  7. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    So Over You Sucker Body of my own i dont even listen to sucker but i used to listen to these from time to time
  8. Up All Night


    she seems cool but its ruined by the fact that shes pretty much just copied sky ? thats so second rate
  9. that sounds so cool but considering i spent a shit load of time waiting for and imagining an album called "im not alright" im not gonna take it seriously until its for sure
  10. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    these are the highest quality i know
  11. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    you make a good point
  12. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    someone linked this video on tumblr and it has charli playing her original demo of i love it the video is in swedish but charli talks in english so just skip to the 8 minute mark thats when she plays it honestly i can understand why she didnt know it was gonna be a super hit, her version feels so wrong
  13. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    "boom crap" she has found the light
  14. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    omg these are so amazing
  15. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    Sophie 3 & 4 are really cool makes me reeallly excited to hear what shes gonna do post sucker!!! and angry all the time is SUCH a bop i can feel myself going 100% stan lmao the tags are a bit ehhhh but its soo good IDC
  16. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    imo the video looks like a commentary on capitalism. basically buy into sucker and buy all her shit!! because its so great!!! when in reality its just crap and shes rotten (literally) because she sold out and made an album only to try and get that $$$ maybe the whole sucker era is just this one big ironic joke, like some crazy ass performance art shit or maybe she just sold out anyway get that money charlezz im gonna go listen to spooky black
  17. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    aatt need the full version asap
  18. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    I fucking knew it. I hope it's not 100% nasty and actually a little bit creative
  19. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    I agree with this so much (minus the bit about her not being nice to her fans, I met her september last year and she was super sweet & down to earth she even got me in to her show even tho i didn't have a ticket <3). Like I'll probably always regard her as the nicest artist out there but you don't really listen to artists because they're nice... It's weird that she's doing things now that she used to trash, like when she talked about how Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj call their fans pet names and she was like "God, it's like, no, just don't do it" and now she's all angels this angels that. Especially how she used to talk about making pop music with substance, which she's clearly changed her mind about. It's obvious now she's writing music to sell it. I mean why else would a 22 y/o write a song about breaking the rules and skipping school like she said herself it was targeted towards 14 y/os.
  20. lmao it was when i bought true romance back in the day. i havent bought a physical cd in two years
  21. Up All Night


    i thought hdds was a person first and i was like oh shit... then i realized what it meant. but oh i didnt know that, still think its cool of her to put it out
  22. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    What instrumentals do we have from true romance? I tried downloading some but its all like really bad fan made stuff :/
  23. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    im just gonna let his work speak for itself its nasty
  24. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    im screaming wait why is she working with eric wareheim ew
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