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Up All Night

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Everything posted by Up All Night

  1. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    I tried to figure out the lyrics to Mess and this is what I got, if some of it's wrong, well shit I tried. I can't believe she got away with not releasing this it's so fucking good.
  2. So I saw IRL when it went online and like I watched Putty Hill like a couple of days ago and I thought I'd check if she's been in anything else, and so I went to her IMDB and it says something about a movie called The Green Inferno. Does anyone know anything about when it's gonna be released or like anything about it? It sounds sorta interesting.
  3. Up All Night


    I'd rate them: 1 Bravado for sure 2 The Love Club 3 Royals 4 Biting Down 5 Million Dollar Bills 6 Tennis Court I haven't listened to Swingin' Party yet.
  4. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    I missed one of her shows earlier this year because it was 20+. Tho she's playing the same venue again later this year right, it's 20+ again. Like c'mon. But just like when I saw her live like last month the people that showed up like a bit before the actual perfomance, that like obviously came to wait for her set to start, where def underage. So it's like, ridiculous?? But I guess they have whatever reason for doing it but ughh.. I think it's cause they want people that will buy alcohol to come, cause that's how they (the venue) make money and ofc they cant sell to minors but still.
  5. I fucking love Skins. MY favorite people in it are Effy, Cassie, Cook, and Emily and they're all in the new episodes. Which is way cool. Tho what I rlly liked about Effy was like her recklessness and she's more business woman-y now. IDK i really like it still though.
  6. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    The lyrics to The Princess Song are really nice I think especially this bit I listened to it so much in like march maybe? when I liked someone and I thought it was like how I felt like put into words, and I just think it's lovely. There are other songs where the lyrics are super but I there are some words here and there I just can't figure out so... idk ? difficult to say absolute favorite yknow
  7. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    The first picture that comes to mind would be this one. Idk why I just think she's rly pretty in it.
  8. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    Cool. http://d.pr/a/oDfz It'll be deleted in like a week automatically. There's a lil swedish bit right in the beginning where the interviewer calls her like snazzy or something idk but the interview is in English.
  9. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    I got a hold of the interview from today, as an mp3. It's 9ish minutes long if anyone wants it, I could post somewhere idk. If anyone wants to hear it.
  10. I thought it was "This is what makes us girls, we don't stick together cause we put love first" for like half a year until I read the lyrics and it's apparently, "This is what makes us girls, we all stick together cause we put love first". I also thought it was "There she was my little best friend" but it's "There she was my new best friend". And then like 98% of her lyrics probably. Have never heard of most of the shit she sings about.
  11. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    I caught an interview with Charli XCX on the radio just like recently, which was live from today. Where she talked about how she's writing/recording her second album and she said that the next new material we'll hear could be coming out as early as September, but she said "maybe that's optimistically" or something like that. We'll see ya know. Uh other than she said that because well, she's recording in Sweden and it doesn't get dark here really during the summer so they accidentally worked until like 5-6am without realizing. And that she liked "the vibe" in Stockholm and that she was thinking of moving there idk I don't think she was like really being serious you know. They talked about I Love It ofc and they asked how she and Icona Pop met yada yada you all know it's usually what they ask. How she didn't like art school cause she had to explain herself but now she has to more as a musician etc.. That she's inspired by visual arts. That she used to make installations (I think) about Justin Bieber and Britney Spears. And uhh Idk that's pretty much what I remember. The important part was of course. New material. September (maybe). And I might get to see her live again in October, when she's playing in Denmark, depends on money really. BUt maybe. And I listened to Super Ultra mixtape and I am so making an ideal True Romance tracklist. But I am putting way to much into it so I'm not done yet but I'll post it later today. For sure.
  12. Up All Night

    Charli XCX

    I've been creeping in this thread since like page 70-ish but I saw Charli XCX live a couple of days ago so thought I should actually register now. And uhh first thing I gotta say, oh my god she's so short!! But anyway,she was rly good ofc. I mostly remember like before the show when the crew was putting out the gear cause I was like "that guy kinda looks like the keyboardist... and that dude sorta looks a bit like the drummer..." and of course it was them right. I didn't think they'd put their own shit up. But they did. The set itself felt really short and she didn't cover I Want It That Way which was a bummer but whatever really. Overall it was cool. As for the daily q I don't really have an ideal TR tracklist, I'd just play Take My Hand on repeat.
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