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Dark Angel

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Everything posted by Dark Angel

  1. @Diamantes WILD lipster of the year, i'm afraid
  2. probably a niche answer but... "you look like a florida native are you? i said at the rate of slow molasses from the state of vermont with a southern drawl" from elvis, such a gorgeously written lyric and it really fits the vibe of the song, i will never stop showing appreciation for that lyric
  3. wildflower wildfire knowing that she's a magnum opus
  4. hearing lana's gorgeous background vocals twirl around my brain
  5. i don't know for sure what happened but i think it was when love leaked and people were probably posting links or sending people links or something
  6. it's a possibility, she might visit the website every once in a while, but i wouldn't expect her regularly visiting the site, and honestly i wouldn't blame her
  7. waiting for lana's post for lanaboards' 9th birthday on september 2nd!
  8. wow, this thread was... crazy i do like the discussion about lana becoming more of a lowkey singer-songwriter instead of a conventional pop star, i can understand why she'd rather be a singer-songwriter type of artist/musician since she is a little older and a lot of her idols were that type of artist (bob dylan, joan baez, joni mitchell, etc.) although i would agree that the way she's possibly going about it (qftc, mesh mask, other controversies) is a little unsettling billie eilish did bring something new in the mainstream music world, yet, she is still a pop artist and her music & lyricism is really not that different from other pop artists, or alt. pop artists, like melanie or marina, her winning FIVE grammys, and lana receiving none, after all of her hard work and all of her dedication was probably a punch in the gut, i mean, it's obvious that it's just based off of popularity, and it shouldn't be that way, yet i can totally understand why lana might've felt defeated & purposeless after the whole ordeal, i truly don't consider her a pop artist, maybe in the btd era she was, but she's just straight-up alternative in my opinion, although she's experimented with many different styles of music, i don't get why people categorize her with marina, melanie, or halsey when they are mostly pop artists, i can definitely see why lana is more mellow & lowkey, and only focusing on the music, it must feel like nobody understands her, not even her own fans sometimes
  9. we're living in a world where we're pushing inclusivity and self-love yet i feel like i often see people speaking about her appearence, it's honestly sick, in a world where photoshop & toxic beauty standards are rampant, she keeps it real & geniune and that's honestly very rare with celebrities, we shouldn't nitpick over stuff that's ultimately not a big deal
  10. some of the people here have SUCH a problem with saying shit about every aspect of her life, even saying shit about her appearence, nitpicking about her highlights or discussing her weight, it's really invasive and weird... i just feel like there's hardly any compassion towards her, it's honestly really upsetting
  11. this is probably a very unpopular opinion but i really couldn't care less about professional photoshoots or whatever, as long as i like the music, and i usually do
  12. what we really need is a little leak party, we always come together and get along when the elusive hoarders share every once in a blue moon
  13. i love poetry as well, i really love her songs that are "poetic", it can really elavate a song, methamphetamines is a simple 1-minute acapella yet it's elusive, poetic lyricism makes it a gem in her repertoire of music, it's melancholy & beautiful, i can understand why people find poetry-inspired music boring or they don't enjoyment out of it like they would with a more conventionally written song, but it's a medium that needs more love, i try to write poetry a lot yet i feel like it's never that great, it's honestly really difficult to take your feelings and emotions and turn them into writing
  14. did anybody try the three singles? i thought the three singles were lovely
  15. i don't see how they're lazy, just because they're slow, mellow, maybe don't have the best-sounding production doesn't mean that they're lazy or that she didn't put effort into them... the single covers are a different matter, but when she's pouring her heart about things that are very personal, and trying new things, such as the multiple tempo changes in text book, and working with different producers, i don't think it's totally fair to say that she's lazy and that she doesn't care about her art, she's constantly working, we all know that's true... it's totally fine if you don't like her recent output, but i think it's a little unfair to say it's because she's lazy or that she doesn't have any ambition, the most likely possibility is that she's interested in making a different style of music and it isn't clicking with everyone
  16. blue banisters is coming tomorrow! who's excited?
  17. it's actually really simple to do! double click the image in your post and it should pop up! but make sure you select "keep original aspect ratio"!
  18. she's only 5'7 so she really isn't that tall, it's probably how her body & legs are proportioned, she has long legs, i'm 5'2 yet i have long legs so i appear taller
  19. i'm actually really glad we're discussing how ridiculous it is that our posts get moved, i understand in certain circumstances when it gets really crazy in the pre-release thread but for the most part i really don't think any posts should be moved at all, if i post in this thread, i'm obviously posting here for a reason, and this is the most popular thread on the website so why would i post anywhere else? i feel like the random lana disussion thread is just a dumping ground for these posts at this point and i feel like i can't post there when i see fit because it'll get buried
  20. i don't think she looks different at all? even if she does, it's probably just the lighting/angle, it really shouldn't matter either way
  21. that selfie is so rock candy sweet-esque
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