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Everything posted by EXODUS

  1. It's not funny to share false information when you know some people here have huge hopes still.
  2. It's a huge bop! I'm not a big fan of the band but they do have around 4 or 5 great bops. And yeah, it's weird that they didn't credit Charli, even though it's mentioned everywhere online that Charli co-wrote it. Maybe Charli felt that changing or adding a line or two was not enough for a credit mention.
  3. Do yourself a favor and listen to this song with your eyes closed, it's almost as if Sky was singing this Charli co-write bop.
  4. It's super weird, because people over ATRL freaked out about the snippet and I posted there saying that the new snippet was shared by that twitter account, and then I received a PM asking me kindly if I can get that post removed because it can be harmful. I have no idea if someone from that twitter account reach me or if it was someone else who is not related to it, but I deleted that post anyway, so it really makes me think that somehow sharing that snippet was a big mistake. I don't know, everything it's super weird. I get the huge "it was meant to come out in March but they say no, again" vibes. The album has been finished FOR YEARS now, but Sky keeps making changes to it, either because someone at the label ordered to her or maybe because she felt the album is still not finished. WHO FUCKING KNOWS! At this point I'm starting to believe that there's no album lol just a a small group of songs finished and a bunch of demos.
  5. At least Zebra dropped, it's a bop Sliiiiiiiide onto meeeee and shed your stripes 🎶
  6. 28 out of 31 opportunities for Sky to announce something official. Nothing is happening today, so let's call it a day lol Little ferraris game mood for tomorrow:
  7. You're doing devil's work haha

    Charli XCX

    Was that the only song that has a differences in the vinyl version?
  9. Today is basically over lol so team delulu still have: - Tuesday 29th - Wednesday 30th - Thursday 31st - Friday 1st (BONUS ROUND) heartless motherfucker haha
  10. EXODUS


    Thank you! I know most fans are sad about her cancelling the tour, but fuck, she must be heartbroken, it truly saddens me. I really hope she feels better soon, she deserves the world, she is so talented, a hard worker and also very kind to her fans.
  11. Sky Ferreira's albums are: Cry Baby Wild at Heart I'm Not Alright I Will Night Time My Time But no, that album that starts with "M" is not real, never happened.
  12. And Exodus too Hikaru Utada has so many great pop albums with many electronic/experiments moments.
  13. EXODUS


    Has she ever been open about which autoinmune disease she has?
  14. That's the only way to see the light, my dear. #StreamBADMode y'all! https://open.spotify.com/album/7Kxd4i6FPfW0ZuP3Q96uij?si=eu8oTmXgSCOjxb5h-pkL9w&utm_source=copy-link J-Pop album of the year so far.
  15. EXODUS

    Charli XCX

    It's not the original studio version file, it's just a fan made file that someone created joining different clips.
  16. 27 out of 31 opportunities for Sky to announce something official. Little ferraris current mood:
  17. The one running their IG is a community manager, just that, not someone who is actually fully aware of what is every artist doing at the moment, they just tell them what to post, share and what to tease.
  18. EXODUS

    Charli XCX

    I need her now to release a CRASH remix album or EP and include Sweat as a bonus track.
  19. Someone do God's work and leak Cobra.
  20. @111 you just made the little ferraris cry Do not disturb the zebras 🦓
  21. EXODUS

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Thanks, I hope someone rips the video
  22. EXODUS

    Rina Sawayama

    Truly appreciate it !
  23. She should release Masochism and fucking retire, my heart wouldn't stand another messy long album cycle.
  24. EXODUS

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Nah, she was just being nice. She loves her Latin America fans so much lately.
  25. Omg what a reach haha but I wouldnt doubt it.
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