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Posts posted by Tristesse

  1. Lana should surprise everyone randomly by singing NOIR...Cuz I'm GLAMOROUUUUS, FAMOUSSSS, NOTORIOUUUUUS, DANGEROUSSSS BUT YOU'RE CRAAAAAZY

    Imagine the state of everybody's weave XD


    after all these years, you are still my favorite member here (no sarcasm)

  2. luckily he didn't have a gun like the NRA preaches about,, at which point who knows how many would be dead in an instant.


    John Lennon was killed  by a Christian terrorist now so many years ago yesterday, with a gun and those twisted bullets that did not allow John any chance at all to be saved.

    As John Lennon sang "Imagine no religion, it isn't hard to do, nothing to kill or die for...


    oops there is no connection with the christian religion ? using crimes as a pretext for your atheist propaganda is quite disrespectful

  3. @@aleko






    That's so fucking horrible. Exact quote from him - (In For K Part 2 DEMO leaks page.!) "But wait 10 or 20 years (or until she's dead) to see how valuable and expensive unreleased music could be. For example, the Paradise box-set is really expensive now and the album isn't 10 years old." He's literally so fucked


    Can we agree to ban this fucker? He's obviously only money hungry and it's been apparent ever since that OTTR mix .. He didnt even know it was unleaked! Then he blamed us for wanting him to leak it and saying we are ungrateful and then SOLD it.




    let people live ffs 

  4. while @Valerie is hardcore heartless, yet don't make Peep a victim lmao, he wanted this lifestyle, he played and lost. Mental issues are a thing but it does not excuse any type of stupid behavior (towards others or oneself). Glorification of heavy drugs and overall public validation he recieved for obvious self-destructive behavior truly must be something ppl must think about though. How could he even question right his lifestyle when it's what made him famous ?

  5. a lone man who wanted to go out with a bang, taking out as many people with him as he could and having an all too easy venue for doing so != a terrorist group .....

    this wasn't a planned attack from some foreign terrorist group with a political message ....... some wacko said "Fuck the world i'm going to murder as many people as i can then kill myself, and luckily for me the backwards ass country I live in will sell me military weapons with ridiculous ease so I can easily do so!!!!!!!!"  

    not sure why this is so hard for you to understand

    u tried tho.

    wait a bit  :hooker: and you'll see 

  6. you're trying to pass off the argument that making guns illegal and restricting their (ridiculously easy) access won't make a difference in situations like this. by all means, feel free to reword your own argument if you're trying convey a different point, but that's what is coming across.


    My point is that terrorist groups are by nature above any gun legislation in any country in the world. Yet they shoot people as they did in France where the gun legislation is very strict. This is the situation I'm talking about only. + I said in my answer to @graham4anything that a better gun legislation could actually save a lot of lives, so this : 

    honestly, how dare people mourn these deaths and express their "condolences" and still have the absolute gall and indecency to refuse to acknowledge that there is a major gun problem in the US.

    was totally uncalled for and shows that you probably just didn't want to understand my point so you just decided to trigger yourself over nothing.

  7. quite bold of you to make such a statement when we literally have an abundance of evidence that clearly shows that strict gun legislations is directly correlated with a decrease in such crimes. see: any other country with strict gun laws. see: Australia implementing strict gun laws after the 1996 massacre and the success that followed.

    no, removing a gun from the equation will not stop someone who is determined to do harm, but it sure as hell makes it a lot harder for them to do so, especially on such an enormous scale like this.



    honestly, how dare people mourn these deaths and express their "condolences" and still have the absolute gall and indecency to refuse to acknowledge that there is a major gun problem in the US.


    you sir can not read/understand the point of a post  :gclap: the smallest nuancy brought on any subject triggers you all so much you believe it gives you the right to insult someone when you didn't even get his point right  :smh:

  8. @tristeste

    this gun shooter was a 64 year old Nevada Christian and he was a hunter. He went hunting with his hunting weapons and then killed himself


    Should have gone to the Grand Canyon and jumped off thereby saving more than 500 people from getting shot, so far 59 people from dying,

    and the entire nation being terrorized because he had a death wish and had a fetish for holding/stroking a gun in his hand


    and btw, how many guns and bullets does one person need for hunting?




    who cares who he was, why do you always answer something that has nothing to do with what was being said lmao. just saying you got 5784234 examples everyday of why your country shouldn't let guns be so easily available, yet it seems to only concerns you when it wouldn't have made no difference at all. You guys all jump on 50+ fresh corpses to write your cute politically correct essays about guns, because hell yeah, blaming the tool and everything that surrounds it is intellectually easier than questionning what deeply goes wrong in your nation...

  9. RIP... These murders are such a pain to even imagine


    why is bringing up anti-gun ideology at a time like this laughable to you? when has such a discussion ever been more relevant? when are these proposed bans and anti-gun measures ever more appropriate or well-supported by massacres like this? what more evidence do we need?


    "oh damn, having a gun is illegal! guess I won't kill these people then" - said no terrorist ever in a strict gun legislation country

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