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Posts posted by Tristesse

  1. Ok so after 20 listens...

    I love the song.It has that Cruel World vibe mixed with folkiness of Jewel.

    I really like the lyrics especially when you know from her how they were made.

    My favorite lyric: I fucked up, I know that but jesus... can a girl just do the best she can?


    What does kinda ruin the song is the fact that it seems like 2 or 3 songs are combined into one. I guess the mastering is not good or something.

    It does not flow well... if it did it would really be among her best songs.


    I guess my rating would be 4.2 out of 5.


    My thoughts exactly. It does not flow well at all and eventually gives me a headache  :defeated: I love the lyrics and her vocals though

    EDIT : omg I just realized I only listened to it with my shit speakers  :biblio:  it changes everything

    I'm such a lame guy

    EDIT 2 : My heart is crying I love it  :toofunny:

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