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Posts posted by Tristesse


    I agree. Your a cool writer.

    An artist must use any materials available to express themselves.

    For poets it is the written word.

    For musicians its "three chords and the truth" as some would say.


    As for the word, "colonize", it does have many meanings, it all depends on the readers point of view and understanding of how that word is used.

    for example,

    - I have now colonized this forum.

    - My next step will be to colonize your minds and thoughts.

    - During hiatuses in deposition, relatively mature vegetation colonized sediment surfaces.
    - The symbiotic state enables the lichen thallus to colonize extreme habitats where the separate bionts would not be able to survive.
    - Other faults or fractures in the substratum not colonized by bacterial growths were observed.
    - In logistic regression, both spirochaete species showed a highly significant association with the existence of other family members who were colonized with the same species.
    - They initially colonize the leaves, and, after flowering, also the ears.
    - One foundational act invited foreigners to colonize the internal heartlands in order to give the local populations new models of enlightened work and life.




  2. except Lana has recently explicitly said she's addressing native american issues in her poetry and made claims of donating money to native american groups as her own form of reparations?  so it actually is something that's explicitly in her mindscape.


    I still do not believe those are connected but hey, we're free to see things the way we want

  3. wow you have no idea what youre talking about lol.  i wrote about how it's ignorant for Lana to continually reference native american issues without actually addressing them directly, accurately, or adequately, particularly as a rich celebrity with a massive platform that has the potential to impact the larger culture.  that's far from being "offended" about it.  where did i say "she's not allowed to use these words bc they hurt my feelings!!!!"? lol.  we can all say and do whatever we want.  that's just reality.  so just as Lana can write shitty poetry with ill-conceived metaphors, i can call out why it's ignorant and share my bit about it.  or are you triggered by coming across my opinion and would rather shut me up?


    you're wrong, btw, about all human populations being colonized, which you'd maybe have seen, if youd actually looked into what i said in my post instead of just acting like you know everything.  there are existing indigenous people who have never been colonized and are currently under attack.  that's the whole point of what i was saying ab indigeneous tribes in the amazon threatened by bolsonaro, the wet'suwet'en people resisting current domination by the canadian govt, etc.  even completely un-contacted tribes still exist.  Colonization is still happening, and indigenous people still exist.  Do you just not know what the word means, so it's easier for you to pretend you do than actually educate yourself?


    your argument is especially stupid and cruel, even if you weren't completely wrong, bc you just consign yourself and the world to domination by imperialists.  "colonization has happened a bunch of places, so lets all just go along with it"... wtf.  people are still, currently, resisting these systems, fighting back, and fighting to decolonize where it's already taken over.  like actually educate yourself. dont take it from me - listen to indigenous people.  that is, if youre not so prejudiced that you dismiss out of hand any perspective that doesnt confirm and validate your shitty biases.  idk where youre from, but Lana and I live on Turtle Island, where the violent history of colonization still affects the culture and people today.  it's an important issue that deserves a full analysis.  i'd rather align myself with people currently fighting against neocolonialism, and fighting to decolonize, than the rich and ignorant who just want to control everything and subjugate everyone else.


    which brings me to what we can agree on, which is actually that there probably isn't that much impact.  mostly because Lana is quickly making herself pretty fucking irrelevant to any larger cultural conversation.  and Lanaboards is like a fart in the abyss, so it's not like my words here will have any impact.  i just find it so disappointing that people like Lana, and apparently you, can come so close to actually grappling with the reality of this issue and end up still turning away from gathering any real knowledge about it.  Lana has the platform and potential to make an impact on our world, and she doesn't do shit.  that's her prerogative, but it's my right to say that fucking sucks.  stay prejudiced and ignorant, i guess


    You did not understand my point at all, sadly. I may have not made it clear enough. 

    My point was, and still is, that the use of the term "colonize" in a poem has absolutely nothing to do with any of these issues. Because a word has multiple significations. You are absolutely off-topic since the beginning and fighting an imaginary enemy.


    It is NOT "referencing native american issues".


    bc you just consign yourself and the world to domination by imperialists


    You clearly do not know how to read and to interpret things. It is bad. English may not be your first english (it is not mine either), but there is no excuse for trying to making me look like I actually support colonization. You do not have to do this if you do not agree with my point which has absolutly nothing to do with supporting/condemning/ackowledging colonization.

  4. Allllllright now seems like a good time to remind the more ignorant stans here (Wilde Childe) that intention does not outweigh impact. Tf are good intentions worth?


    Ugh. There is absolutly no impact here. 

    It is intellectually untenable to prohibit poetry (and literature in general) from using certain words on the pretext that they designate, in their primary meaning, historical or current facts that would offend the persons concerned.
    I know that I am supposed to provide arguments here to support my point of view, but it is really difficult because I find it so absurd that such things have to be demonstrated.
    The most dramatic thing is that here the word that offends you is "colonization", a word that is part of the history of all human populations without exception (because all of them have colonized or have been colonized), but especially because this word has long been used in a figurative sense. Its use is in no way linked to any crime whatsoever, nor is it a word that it would be unfortunate to use in relation to people who would suffer today from the evils that accompany a process of colonization - whether you like it or not.
    I would have understood the hesitation if she had made an express reference to crimes related to colonization, but here this is not the case at all. 
    There is in your arguments an unfortunate mixture of illiteracy and confusion in your political commitments. You have never been colonized in the slightest, and if you were, you would have much more reason to be offended than bad poetry, which has nothing to do with it.

  5. imperial colonists invading a continent and committing genocide, then STILL not recognizing rights of surviving indigenous people on that continent, is NOT "suffering humanity inflicts upon itself."  it's an orchestrated attack by one group over another.  I see what youre saying about using language creatively to describe a variety of things, but it's not an emotional argument here.  indigenous people are currently under attack by neo-colonial governments.  indigenous women, girls, and two spirit people regularly go missing or get murdered with no acknowledgement or justice.  neo-colonial governments still reject the sovereignty of indigenous nations and encroach upon their ancestral lands to further corrupt the natural landbase for economic gain, contributing to actual sickness and death of the people who live there as well as climate catastrophe.  it's not about how someone feels.  it's literally a life or death issue for indigenous people who have been sidelined and ignored when theyre not getting disappeared, kidnapped, re-educated, or killed, for multiple centuries now.


    i think this is the point thats getting missed by people who have all their material needs met and are able to benefit from governments and societies built by colonialism and genocide.  it's easy to miss just how much is at stake, how dire these issues are, when they don't directly affect someone, or even if someone is able to benefit from this history of colonialism.  so it's absolutely not the same thing, not a fair metaphor, and simply not okay for Lana to use these loaded comparisons to refer to her emotional state.  indigenous people are STILL HERE.  against all past and continuing attacks by colonists, indigenous people still exist and are fighting for their rights and sovereignty, even though they get slapped down, arrested, jailed, sanctioned, attacked, murdered, tortured, etc every single time.  this is a triumphant testament to how the spirit of the Earth can never be defeated.  if Lana wants to acknowledge the strength of these people and use her platform to fight on their behalf, great.  otherwise, she is literally profiting off colonialism and the destruction of native lifestyles in America, then using terms derived from and referencing this history to make points about her first world problems.  it's disgusting.


    Do you even know what poetry is...  :biblio:

  6. Lana ain't paving the way or breaking any doors with the production on NFR, let's stop right there. It's not remotely groundbreaking, at best the production on here is subpar, at worst... it's NFR.

    Our tastes still differ, obviously.

    I think it's a mistake to call a production "subpar" as if it were something objectively quantifiable on a certain scale. It's an art that we're talking about here: there is no such thing as a perfect production in the absolute, it wouldn't make sense in that it's not an end in itself.


    This kind of argument reminds me of those made in the 19th century by the defenders of the academic style against the nascent impressionist movement: visible brushstrokes, garish colours... Nothing to do with the impeccable precision of classical paintings.


    Because in the end, whether in painting or music, it is not the so-called perfection of the production that counts, but the emotions transmitted. A more messy medium, which looks less worked but in fact is just as much or even more worked, can bring a lot of depth to a music.

    That's precisely what I like about NFR. That impeccable minimalism, the balance between silence and instruments that yet gives a warm and rich sound. The relative imperfection you criticize in the album, to me, it creates more closeness between the listener and the music, as if I was in the studio with them. It brings me closer to the emotions.


    In short, what an incredible album.

  7. Fuckstick is as plain as a rice cake and whiter than white bread. He's so white in fact than he can used to replace the polar ice caps once they've melted and single handily prevent climate catastrophe.


    it's ok to be white

  8. En effet... un peu plus et je te dirais de suivre tes propres conseils, mais bon je ne veux pas encore partir en guerre avec toi sur un autre thread. Je trouve juste ça complètement ridicule d'attaquer @@RormanNockwell ici pour avoir des opinions tranchées sur Lana. Aux dernières nouvelles on est encore sur un forum et je pense qu'on doit encourager la discussion et non la taire.


    Attend, on peut retourner la chose : dire à RormanNockwell qu'on n'est pas d'accord avec ses opinions tranchées, ça fait aussi partie de la discussion, non ? Du coup, c'est tout aussi ridicule de s'attaquer à KingJay parce qu'on n'est pas d'accord avec ses opinions tout aussi tranchées ? 

    En soi, pour moi, cet argument veut juste dévier du sujet initial, et c'est dommage. Quand je publie que Rorman est particulièrement obsédé par la vie personnelle de son idole qu'il juge à travers un sectarisme politique particulièrement malsain, ça fait tout autant partie de la discussion. Et je ne veux faire taire personne ici, ça alimente la discussion.


    Aussi, rien à voir mais, c'est terrible d'avoir l'impression de "partir en guerre" quand on n'est pas d'accord avec quelqu'un. On ne fait que de discuter. Quel ennui d'être toujours d'accord !

  9. Ah tiens, une autre "police de la pensée" qui essaie lamentablement de faire passer mes paroles pour un sophisme, tout en faisant la défense d'un sophisme lui-même. Veux-tu vraiment qu'on commence à faire un exercice de philosophie sur LanaBoards? On va en avoir pour un moment.


    L'ironie est à son comble.  :teehee:


    Hahaha ça oui on en aura pour un moment si on s'accuse de sophisme à chaque fois

  10. Also, @RormanNockwell, don't even try to have a civilized discussion with @KingJay, he literally goes from one thread to the other pretending to be level headed, but also try to shut people up for daring using LanaBoards for its one true purpose (to discuss all things Lana you know), but ultimately failing miserably. He tried to make me stop posting in the infamous post-release thread, we all know that didn't work, like at all.  :usrs:


    Do yourself a favor KingJay, don't overestimate the influence you got on here, literally none of us have influence on here but mods. Also, don't parade yourself with an holier than thou attitude and act high and mighty when it comes down to so called "negative" opinions from other users and take the role of some sort of thought-police. Literally, no one cares.  :rip:


    Ah, ad hominem! Exactly what we needed

  11. JFC. The problem with Cat Power's comment is not that she used the word 'handsome'. The problem is that she's cheering Lana's relationship with a cop who is a de facto opponent of necessary police reform.

    This type of comment is so ugly intellectually. Shame

  12. Ah c'était pour rire le roman. Pas obligé de te sentir aussi vexé par ce que je dis, j'en fait pas une affaire d'état. Je trouve juste ça vraiment con de se sentir aussi attaqué par mes commentaires sur l'album.


    J'en ai franchement rien à chier que t'aime pas ce que j'écris sur LanaBoards. Je suis pas là pour me faire des amis, juste là pour exprimer mon opinion, peut importe si les gens me trouvent répétitif ou non. Autrement dit, je m'en calice. :hooker:


    :toofunny: I was about to answer in French but it's not the right place for it and you are far too stubborn for it to be worth it. Keep in mind that your opinions do not offend anyone but seeing them on every page is annoying

  13. Au grand dam de certains utilisateurs de LanaBoards, je vais continuer d'écrire mes commentaires et donner mon opinion sur l'album que ça vous plaise ou non. J'aime à penser que j'apporte une certaine diversité d'opinion sur le forum, je comprends que mes commentaires puissent avoir été perçus comme étant négatifs et/ou répétitifs. Mais à ce que je sache LanaBoards n'est pas un état totalitaire, et je pense qu'on se doit de promouvoir une certaine diversité d'opinion. Comparer mes opinions à de la litière à chat... wow. Ça ne s'invente pas! C'est pas parce qu'on n'est pas d'accord avec l'opinion des autres qu'on doit automatiquement donner dans l'insulte et la bassesse. Comme on dit: quand on a pas de culture, on bascule rapidement dans la vulgarité.


    Dans la vie j'ai l'intime conviction qu'on doit apprendre que ce la diversité d'opinion ça existe et que l'on aura pas toujours le dernier mot dans un débat et/ou une discussion. Dans un sens je comprends que mes commentaires sonnent probablement très négatifs pour certaines personnes ici, voir même beaucoup. Mais je me considère encore comment étant un grand fan de Lana. Je pense aussi avoir droit d'exprimer une certaine pensée critique envers celle-ci, elle n'est pas aussi parfaite que certaine personne le laisse entendre ici. Je pense aussi que mes commentaires ont autant leur place sur le forum, ou cette discussion en particulier, que les commentaires de d'autres utilisateurs qui sont, à mon humble avis, tout aussi répétitifs que les miens.


    Bref, j'aimerais conclure en disant que j'en ai franchement rien à chier que vous n'aimez pas ce que j'ai à dire ici. J'ai le droit à mon opinion et aussi le droit de la répéter autant de fois que ça va me tenter. Il n'y a personne, et je répètes bien: personne. Qui va me mettre au silence et avoir le dernier mot sur moi. Sur ce, comme je pense qu'il n'y aura pas beaucoup de personne qui vont être capable de lire mon commentaire jusqu'ici,  et aussi que la traduction risque de laisser à désirer, j'aimerais terminer en disant ceci: à toutes les personnes qui ne m'aiment pas ici, vous pouvez tous manger de la crisse de marde. Je vous emmerdes profondément, tous autant que vous êtes. Soyez en conscient. Merci.  :hooker:




    un intellectuel averti. 


    Comment c'est possible d'avoir un melon pareil à pondre des romans pour défendre ton droit de donner ton avis qui, tu l'admets toi-même, n'intéressent personne ? Alors que tout ce qu'on te dit c'est qu'au final c'est lourdingue de lire la même chose chaque page, que ça n'apporte plus rien et que t'as eu le temps de te mordre la queue au moins une trentaine de fois. Sinon, personne ne t'a jamais demandé de te taire.

    Le pire c'est que y a eu juste deux ou trois personnes (grand max) qui ont osé te dire que c'est quand même un poil chiant alors que la plupart des membres ici approuvent tes posts. Et t'en fais une affaire d'état comme si on voulait te mettre au silence car on déteste la diversité d'opinions. Mais quelle blague putain.


    Grandis un peu. Ton attitude n'a rien de celle d'un intellectuel averti, tu ne fais que de chouiner. 

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