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Posts posted by Tristesse

  1. I don't like that she's going after Grammys so hard. Like, she suddenly cares so much about winning a Grammy that she's playing at the Grammy Museum, and teaching kids at the Grammy University (or whatever the fuck it is).


    The Recording Academy has snubbed her for most of her career and, despite that, she's essentially bootlicking to try and win a Grammy. Everyone knows that the Grammys are bullshit so the fact that she wants one so badly is dismaying.


    I thought it was "all about the music", but one very safe-sounding album later + obvious pandering to the Recording Academy to try and win an award for said safe-sounding album + lots of other stuff I won't go into right now makes me question that. 


    Who could blame her for wanting more money and recognition though? Sure one could say NFR sounded "safe" (and not in every way), but it is still 100% herself, artistically speaking. It's not like she released an album full of Don't Call Me Angel type of sound. 

    She may be talented as hell, famous, etc., she's still a human being like the rest of us, I guess. I can't even see how all this could be a bad thing for her. 

  2. I have a simple question; why are imperfections a problem in NFR but not in UV? Because this album also has imperfections/flaws too (intentional or not, it doesn't matter, since even intentional flaws are a problem for you guys, so let's go that way), and it doesn't seem to bother anybody, whereas with NFR, imperfections are dramatic for y'all and that makes Jack a bad producer.

    In West Coast, we can hear her say "mic check one two" between the verses.

    Pretty When You Cry has a constant white noise.

    Old Money has white noise too.

    And mouth sounds are there too if you pay attention, for example around 0:24 in Black Beauty.

    So why isn't that a problem? Why should it be a problem with NFR? I'm sure that if we pay attention, all her albums have little flaws. So why the fuck does it have to be a big deal with NFR??? Except the white noises (which are in tracks produced by Rick, not Jack), most of the flaws that you guys found are nearly impossible to notice, or don't bother. I never found the volume changes annoying. I think it brings more intensity to the songs. And it's not like it's going to break your ears.

    I swear some of you are arguing for hours on how bad the production of NFR is without even looking around and realising that the album y'all praise (UV) has more flaws than the one you criticise.


    P.S.: If flaws make Jack a bad producer, that means Dan is a bad producer too, no? Let's stop with the nonsense with Jack. Thanks.


    To me it really feels like ppl try to find excuses as why they do not click with the album as much as with her previous ones. You may not like the imperfections, but they are not mistakes. 

    Elevating a "flawless" production as something universally better does not look better than the obsessive Jack stan endless trolling!

  3. *looks up from my posts criticizing her dating the reality TV cop because of his outlook on policing and reform to see a Facebook notification for my 20 year high school reunion and degrees in two different fields on my wall*

    Oh my god hahahaha


    Edit: Aw my mistake here, wrong translation (I'm not a native speaker). I should have written "upbringing" in the first place. Your post is still funny though.


    + criticizing is one thing everyone is allowed to. Shouting "dump him" in person is much more serious. Disagreeing with other people choices does not justify disrespect.

  4. Actually break down people's arguments and address the points they made instead of trivialising challenge. 


    If you think her turning up 30 - 50 minutes late every show + singing half-arsed acapellas of NFR songs on the NFR tour is acceptable, then okay. It's not "bratty" to be unhappy with unprofessionalism. 


    As for the cop thing, as I said - not accurate - but take that to the cop thread if you want to discuss. 


    I moved to the discord server lol - I adressed the points!

  5. I don’t think anyone is bratty for thinking Lana should know her own lyrics, or at the very least not get pissy at fans for not knowing her lyrics.


    omg, it's not part of the setlist  :rip: fans screamed for it. When did she get pissy though? Grow up 

    "uuuuuuugh my fav does not fulfil my expectations, what a bitch!" aka brat mindset. Have some respect!

    "uuuuugh my fav does not have the love life I wish she had! what a bitch! DITCH THAT COP" is even worse but what can you expect from kids with poor education?

  6. The "you're just a man, it's just what you do line" seems a little sexist in 2019, and wouldn't be tolerated by some of the same audience if the gender were reversed and sung by Harry Styles, Twenty-One Pilots or Justin Bieber, I don't think. I'm not bothered by it. 


    Also, "if he's a serial killer, then what's the worst that can happen to a girl who's already hurt?" seems laughably naive if taken literally. I assume it was just a sort of fun, throw-away line. Serial killers sometimes dismember their victims, they eat them on occasion, they torture and kill them violently, they bury them alive. All of which is a lot worse than being emotionally hurt, which most or all of us are at some time in our lives. 



  7. hell yes :crying5:





    the orthodox cross is the best! have it around my neck all day. xx


    the album is so GREAT I love it so much. Venice Bitch still is the best one but Bartender and California have hit hard. I love all the songs basically even though I find the title track, Cinnamon and Happiness is a Butterfly quite weaker yet very pleasant. What a progression from LFL!

  8. I really didn't expect so many songs to sound like concept demos, that one caught me off guard. But I knew from the get go I would be replacing the cover. The MAC/VB/HIAB/Hope/DT visuals thankfully prepared me quite well (I half expected a lq selfie). So I'll start with that. But I will have to edit the actual songs too, which honestly feels like too much work rn.


    But... all we have is in the shittiest quality

    Idk about you all but I for sure cannot judge anything based on such a poor quality, it lacks of so many elements that may make a hell of a difference. 

  9. Lana: releases a song about how America Used To Be Great


    Lanaboards users: this has some connotations vaguely worth discussing


    Other lanaboards users: wow the sjw stampede literally wants her to solve world hunger! Can you believe this!


    You did not understand the song in the first place. That is why your "connotations worth discussing" are being made fun of, they are out of place. 

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