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Everything posted by jetski

  1. jetski

    Charli XCX

    I’m def gonna make an edit with the original chorus added in
  2. jetski

    Charli XCX

    I probably would’ve preferred a straight up cover of Wannabe, but I’m into it tbh. Charli sounds amazing on the verses and the drop is actually kinda catchy. It’s just a fun dumb song lol
  3. jetski

    Charli XCX

    ok I'm actually pretty into this snippet, need the full she's cursed to have all her releases spoiled lmao
  4. jetski

    Charli XCX

    yeah what a fuck up, maybe today was the original release date but it got pushed back or something. It’s really sad and annoying that charli can’t release something without it getting spoiled ahead of time, someone always has to fuck it up
  5. jetski

    Charli XCX

    all of us rn
  6. jetski

    Charli XCX

    well it’s over
  7. jetski

    Charli XCX

    if it's east coast time (and if it really is out tonight) then we'll know in 1 hr 15 min!!
  8. jetski

    Charli XCX

    asking ppl to comment love in their language on instagram kinda fits with a global release but I feel like it's unlikely that she would do a surprise drop with zero warning, especially for her first single in 6 months I'm guessing next Friday and the playlist description was a slip up
  9. jetski

    Charli XCX

    I don’t have Apple Music can someone else confirm this playlist description
  10. jetski

    Charli XCX

    thank you!! She’s really coming! so is it out tonight? I’m confused since it’s not out in NZ/Aus if it’s not til next week then that’s fine cuz I’ll just listen to Got My Number to tide me over lol EDIT: ok after actually reading that playlist description now it sounds sus lol
  11. jetski

    Charli XCX

    Where is this text from
  12. jetski

    Charli XCX

    latinas stay winning!
  13. jetski

    Charli XCX

    we need a new song to kill 1999 and put it out of its misery, it’s on life support at this point
  14. jetski

    Kim Petras

    Got My Number feels almost like a perfect halfway point between her bubblegum pop songs and her more trap influenced songs. It’s so fun and catchy and feels very Kim, she’s killing it w this new era so far
  15. jetski

    Kim Petras

    dam I just listened to Got My Number 5x in a row, it’s a bop
  16. jetski

    Charli XCX

    I dont think the monthly singles will be on there. I feel like part of the reason she did standalone singles was so she had a way to release some of the songs that were supposed to be on the old scrapped XCX3 (at least GNO and No Angel). Feels like she wants to move on from the scrapped album and use completely new songs instead. which is fine with me because it'll be amazing to have brand new songs but damn I just wish my fav CTMP could be on the album :'(
  17. jetski

    Charli XCX

    I feel like her saying "things are coming this year" is almost hinting that we'll get some singles but maybe not the album til next year.... BUT if that's true I am totally ok with that, I agree I want her to take her time so she can make it exactly how she wants it to be also "kind of a continuation of Pop 2" has me so fucking hyped, that's exactly what I wanted to hear
  18. jetski

    Charli XCX

    Charli: i think i’m gonna release a song in May! Atlantic: bitch u thought
  19. jetski

    Charli XCX

    lmao she read my post and realized she gotta kick off this album cycle asap, thank me later
  20. jetski

    Charli XCX

    omg https://twitter.com/charli_xcx/status/1121846797951885312 she thinks she's gonna drop a new song not getting my hopes up lmao
  21. jetski

    Charli XCX

    A little over a month ago she said “mixing the first few songs from my album soon” https://twitter.com/charli_xcx/status/1109181593581690880?s=21
  22. jetski

    Charli XCX

    honestly this is accurate :/ like there’s gotta be a good 3-4 month lead time for the announcement, and maybe a buzz single before that too. if it’s gonna get released by the fall then something’s gotta happen soon, like sometime in May at the latest
  23. jetski

    Charli XCX

    I bet Taxi will be a Sophie release and maybe charli knows it’s confirmed so she’s teasing it but she might not have any control over when it’s actually released
  24. jetski

    Charli XCX

    yeah it does seem random that AG would post that but that Ed wouldn't post anything abt it, who knows anyway speaking of not realistic imagine if we got Taxi on Friday
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