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Posts posted by Vulnicura

  1. Am I the only one who feels like considering part of Charli’s concept is about partying the album doesn’t actually have that many party tracks or even tracks about partying. At least considering XCX world was half an album+ full of songs about partying. I actually thought the album was mostly personal


    THIS. the album felt really chill to me, like intimate. Very few party tracks. It got so emotional listening to the album  :defeated:

    Uhhh no offence but no


    i wasn't going to say nuthin but yeah this sounds awful lololol

  2. I MIGHT be saying controversial but I think she should take a break from AG? Or he needs to take a break from producing at least?


    I don't mind more AG but I would love her to work with Arca, Clerence, Haxan Cloak. 

  3. Ok so Lana receives the highest score a female has ever received for NFR and Charli a 7.8?????????


    yeah idk how things work over there, but the reviewer who scored her album gave her the highest score she has ever given out (in all the stuff she's reviewed) so i guess that's the upside  :defeated:

  4. So I just received my vinyl from my Warner order, they didn't send out the CD and my friend told me our local retailer JBHIFI said their stock was delayed til next week...


    So I'm assuming it's been delayed WW?

    I only ordered the CD and mine shipped yesterday (but it'll prollly get to my house in like a week or more LOL :( )

  5. How are you guys gunna listen to Charli for the first time?

    Are you waiting for it to be released in your country?


    I'm a stoner and I've been on a tolerance break for 2 weeks because I plan on getting high out of my mind and listening to the album on full blast in my car stereo  :flutter:


    Then I'm going to get even more high and listen again with headphones  :flutter:  :hooker:  :flutter:

    omg this sounds AMAZINGQ!!!


    I'm listening when I wake up tomorrow  ( wish i could wait i'm too impatient ) and omw to school, full blast!

  6. This page has been so active and there have been so many people reading this forum since Sunday wtf is going on... is it bc of Charli-eve? 


    Also I've been highkey trying to subliminally get my followers on IG to listen to Charli XCX by posting revealing pictures of myself on instastories with Charli XCX songs playing in the background and I've converted 2 of my followers to listen to Feb 2017!! THE IMPACT!


    LOL QUEEN! I posted a video of me lipsynching 2099 and I sent messages of pictures of myself with Charli songs LOL

  7. I can't get over how amazing 2099 is omg, the sleek intro, the crazy ending and then that sound at the end where it leaves you like "deaf" LOL, the bridge is so heavenly  :defeated:




    IT MADE ME CRY (at the "Ohh but I'm feeling so good" verse) AND THEN PULLED ME BACK UP FUUUUUICK

  9. I'm literally an insane bitch I followed a bunch of queer asians from this queer asian facebook group that I'm a part of with the hopes that at least 50% will follow me back so I can promote Charli when it comes out! Someone tell me I'm a cr*ckh**d!

    :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :deadbanana:  :teehee:  :lmao:

    OMG LOL mood tho


    everytime in new classes in college and we have to present ourselves i always go on and on about Charli and tell them to stream her her music  :hooker:

  10. Ok,


    1.) How do any of y’all call urselves Charli stans and skip ANY song on Pop2???


    2.) How do you call urself a stan and not see how much Charli elevated Femmebot in comparison to the demo? Like she really owned the fuck out of her verse and chorus, & made it her own. Ugh her mind, adding Dorian & Mykki also helped take the song to the next level. She really brought the whole femmebot fantasy to life, quit sleeping on her curating skillz and give a bitch some credit like dayum.. y’all really try to make her sound like a talentless hag.


    3.) The clear obvious definitive & correct pop2 ranking is as follows: OOMH, Femmebot, Unlock it, Porsche, Backseat, Track 10, I got it, Tears, Lucky, Delicious.


    Wow, putting Lucky AND Track 10 in the bottom half of your ranking is.... a decision. Also that Charli break down on Delicious  :legend:

    Unless that ranking from Greatest to Greatest-est  :teehee:

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