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Posts posted by Vulnicura

  1. i can't stop watching the mv for WM  :defeated:  the FIREWORKS, the FABRICS, the MONSTERTRUCK!! (oh and lets not forget about them beats lolol)

    She looked so pretty and it was pleasant viewing experience for me.  CANT WAIT  FOR OFFICIAL MV

  2. im so over sophie and her crap. im so mad at her and hope i never end up hearing about her again! (ima look like a clown when she releases something new and i start stanning again lol)

    also album releases soon wtf, wish we had like the album cover by now

  3. I have way too hard of a time using Apple Music to stream music... I have it, use it occasionally... it's nice... but I still prefer to buy albums and then I just listen to them on the library.


    I guess I'm just super old-school but it's hard to break the habit. :facepalm:


    omg i'm having the same experience, i usually buy the music i love a lot and then stream it on spotify, Apple Music messes with my library too, like i have some rips from some CD's and then i end up having copies of crap.

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