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Posts posted by Vulnicura

  1. LUCKY STILL MAKES ME CRY SO MUCH. IT SUCH A BEAUTIFUL SONG. THE ALBUM AND THE O REMIX  :defeated:  :defeated:  I think ima go ahead and crown it my second favorite song from POP 2.

  2. Call me a whore but like I've been bopping to all her remixes and just having my own little rave my room (its like my work out) maybe its because im usually highly medicated dlkjfa;lafj;fjkl

  3. as slow as this album rollout seems is anyone else quite excited by the fact that we'll have 10 (hopefully) completely unheard tracks when Charli drops - kinda hate when 3/4 of a project gets dropped as "buzz singles" makes the album release so anticlimactic 


    a lot of artist also release like 1-4 singles before the album drops too! idk i forgot if rita (also under Atlantic did that too) so we might get less. heres to hoping we dont tho!

  4. her first 2 mixtapes aged like $400,000 wine in a diamond encrusted goblet


    im stealing this and publicating it on facebook btw 

    I follow lots of angles and i have no idea who is goble person is? 


    maybe its because i've been horny and liking a lot of shitrtless pics lately and thats mostly my twitter feed right now djfldfal;kj


    also i dont what Plasma is? (proejct, single, leaked, fan made?) but i like 

  5. Soooooo I like the two BIOYL remixes we've gotten so far. 


    How many more of them BIOYL remixes are we getting before we get Gone do ya think?  :flutter:

  6. I think I’m just going to buy her CDs so this won’t happen again tbh

    And now I get to have them on my shelf which is an added bonus :flutter:


    yasss ima do that too once im not a broke ass bitch lodklfjdalj

  7. I CANNOT , CANNOOOOOOTTTTPP stop listening to XXXTC FUCK me i wanna have a pussy to pop to it fladjflajfjl So good

    when i gave her my vinyl to sign on the number 1 angel side she flipped it over and signed the pop 2 side... ma'am



    I LAUGHED SO HARD DFlkasfk;dajklfj

  8. My dumb iTunes deleted all her albums :toofunny:

    So now I get to give her all my coins for a second time

    girl omg this happened to me with Charli's music


    idk why but part of her music just says bought buy "my name"


    and the other says bought by "my email"


    i can get the one that says emails back but the others no idea 


    i mean i still have it but if i lose it i'd have to rebuy it or sum

  9. its so good  :defeated: i need click to sound like this  :defeated:  :defeated:

    i haven't heard it, still avoiding all sound clips because i know i'll play them until i get tired of them by the time the songs come out  :deadbanana:

  10. I was talking to this guy on Tinder. I thought I was going to have my "Blissing Me" Bjork moment but when he listened to Track 10 he didn't like it. I HAD to unmatched. He was strictly top so it was never going to work out. Anyways, Happy 4th of July and can't wait to get Gone XOXO  :hooker:

  11. omg karma is real

    I started talking to this really hot + muscular guy & he’s really sweet but he’s a swiftie :toofunny:


    omg the amount of local gays that are swifties  :defeated:  THEY ARE ALL SO FUCKING BORING UGHHH

  12. i'm not expecting anything but remixes, i'm not getting my hopes up

    also in cdjapan they say 2 bonus track but it can change and amazon japan says 1 bonus track that also can change/not be released


    same, if anything maybe some of the already released monthly singles imo

  13. Why are you reaching to Bounce when the Japan bonus could be PARTY 4 U, SINCE SHE DEBUTED IT AT THAT NYLON JAPAN PARTY!?!?!!? IT :gclap: ALL :gclap: MAKES  :gclap:    SENSE!




    ugh the storyline, her mind is truly powerful.


    the DELUSION (its a perfect illusion ohh), count me fucking IN

  14. Vroom Vroom era served iconic photoshoots, aesthetic, sound, let alone the choreography and dancers (but lets just not judge by this category) something "Charli" era is yet to achieve. Not trying to be rude or something but the looks/aesthetic for this era are: ok and good period. TR and Vroom Vroom (Even the dead and gone XCX World concept holy fuck) were more... original?(strong word to say but...). Im still happy shes managing to release a record and seems happy now. "Charli" doesnt need to have backup dancers or whatever, I just want this era to be good and happy for her.

    Ps: im not trying to say every pop artist should follow these steps to be good enough or whatever it was just something that seems to lack in this era. Its only the beginning and Gone (which is a bop) is coming and I cant wait to see what they've done with the mv ♡)


    i've come to accept her dip dye bobs  :deadbanana:  i guess they'll become iconic when we look back on them 

  15. Sis speaking from expeirence, don’t keep drinking if you’re on a dose of Xanax higher than 0.5/day

    omg thanks! yeah i try to keep it safe 

  16. Ya'll I can't stop crying and hearing Lucky and thinking about that cute boy who never sees my snap stories but always replies when I send him a message because he is nice and im just bothering him. I've never met him but im IN LOVE. I just want to be his friend  :defeated:


    can't wait to hear that XXXTC song 

    Juan I love you ljfasldfjdalskjfklasfdjask


    im okay now for anyone who cares.


    i had some xanax a drink that knocked me out for a few hours  :hooker:  Juan who?



    and she sounds like that 'sleepy' to match the energy/sound of the song.

  17. Ya'll I can't stop crying and hearing Lucky and thinking about that cute boy who never sees my snap stories but always replies when I send him a message because he is nice and im just bothering him. I've never met him but im IN LOVE. I just want to be his friend  :defeated:


    can't wait to hear that XXXTC song 

    Juan I love you ljfasldfjdalskjfklasfdjask

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