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Everything posted by Fireffie

  1. In New Zealand it's already 1 AM, can anybody check if Venice Bitch was released there?
  2. I've written down the full interview, would you want me to post it here or was it already done ?? (sorry I didn't check all the pages)
  3. The lyrics are so perfect. Like, every single word fits perfectly, i love what she created. I haven't been this hyped up for an album since UV i'm crying
  4. lmfao we were all searching for clues everywhere when THE SECOND TITLE WAS JUST THERE IN THE COVER
  5. Well.. the only thing that i care about is that Chuck won't be the photographer for the next album/project, we need someone with talent
  6. instagram has this thing that even if the person doesn't follow you , you can add it to the group chat (unlike twitter) ! In fact me and my friends added Lana in ours few time ago lmao
  7. meh i dont buy this. Mainly because Lana would NEVER write such a long ass text
  8. okayy but honestly i hope it is Scarborough Fair, since the day i've heard it live i've been dying for a studio version!
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