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Everything posted by Elle

  1. My picture is a memory from the most wonderfully chaotic night of my life! From sobbing on my sofa to then partying with Miss Del Rey herself two hours later.. I had to give it the proper feature it deserves! (even though I truly look terrible considering I did my makeup in the car on the way there, which wasn't the best idea because while gluing on my lashes I got some of the adhesive on my contact lens and my eye was inflamed for 3 days after sgjsgksj idc worth it xx) I'm no insider, but here's ~exclusive behind the scenes photos~ of the making of my profile picture! x
  2. I, your gracious host for the evening, have arrived! I was at Lipsterchella, leanin' on your shoulder... Watchin' your French husband swing in time... & yes, I really am sitting all dressed up like this on my bedroom floor as we speak x
  3. Welcome to the 2024 Lipsters Awards ~*~Red Carpet~*~ The red carpet has officially been rolled out and our nominees and attendees have begun to walk! Let's see what everyone is wearing tonight... x
  4. The red carpet begins in 30 minutes!! Make your way to the venue, Lipsters!
  5. Hello, Lipsters! Today is the day! Our annual red carpet begins in a little under 3 hours - so get to hair and makeup and finalise your looks! Can’t wait to see you all stun & slay on the carpet!
  6. Thank you to everyone who voted! I'm looking forward to revealing our award winners at our ceremony this evening at 5pm ET. The pre-show red carpet will begin at 4pm ET - 12 hours from now! See you all there, Lipsters!
  7. 4 1/2 hours left! Get your votes in, Lipsters
  8. Elle

    Song vs. Song

    It makes a difference! 24 vs Million Dollar Man
  9. Actually a bit more than that - 56 hours if we’re being exact! So, there’s still time to submit your votes, but don’t let it get away from you! Every vote counts and there are a few categories where the winner still flips by the day - so, let your voice be heard and submit your votes soon! I’m looking forward to our ceremony this weekend on Saturday at 5pm ET with our red carpet beginning at 4pm! Get to work picking our your outfits and preparing your speeches, Lipsters! Sending lots of love and luck to all
  10. Elle

    Song vs. Song

    Cinnamon Girl vs Boarding School
  11. She also mentioned the Woolsey fires by name in her poem Paradise is Very Fragile - “Back in Los Angeles, things aren’t looking much better My treehouse that’d been standing for 60 years succumbed to the Woolsey fires Who would’ve thought that this year at 33 you would’ve been taken out from under me After all those years Built from the ground up, by hand, by your very first owner Quiet World War 1 aviation pilot I tried to save you but the horses and the german shepherds were more important”
  12. Elle

    Song vs. Song

    Backfire vs Live or Die
  13. Elle

    Song vs. Song

    Hope is a Dangerous Thing vs Dark But Just a Game
  14. Yes, of course! It’s not mandatory to vote in every category to submit your ballot, to feel free to vote for what you’re comfortable with and leave blank the categories you’re not sure about! x
  15. Btw, you were very close to securing a nomination for Worst Username with Lasso… but with your recent change, it looks like you’re a shoo-in for next year xx
  16. Hello, everyone! The nominees for the 2024 Lipsters Awards have been tallied, and the top nominees for each category have been chosen! I am pleased to announce that voting is NOW OPEN from today until January 17th at 11:59pm ET. The official awards ceremony will take place on Saturday, January 18th at 5pm ET - so clear your calendars for the festivities! The ceremony will last 2 and a half hours with a red carpet starting an hour beforehand. Below, you will see a list of this year's categories, a brief description of what each award entails, and the Top 5 nominees selected by our members for each category. For this voting period, please visit the link below and vote for your top nominee per category that you wish to see take home the award. (*Note: Once you submit your votes, please comment that you have done so or DM @admin as only one voting ticket is permitted per member, and this ensures that votes are submitted fairly.) If you can't think of enough votes, please try your best and submit all that you can! You all have two weeks to come up with your votes! I have not made it mandatory for every field to be completed, and although it is highly encouraged that you try to submit votes for each category, I have done this so all feel comfortable submitting votes even if you aren't familiar enough with our member base to vote for every category. Also, for those who wish to be voted for, please feel free to continue your campaigns below, or campaign for other members you think deserve some awards! Congratulations to all of our nominees and good luck! x SUBMIT YOUR VOTES HERE and the nominees are... Even without our notorious “Time Online” tracker that is now just a burning memory, at this point I’m sure we all can recognise who our most repeat visitors are! The Most Active award will be bestowed upon the member that frequently blesses us with their posts. Also thanks for boosting our AdSense revenue - your interest really made stacks out of it for me (jk I wish) xx @Dark Angel @Embach @Lana Del Dufrene @Mer @ultrabanisters Sometimes a thought isn’t worth a thread post, and that’s okay! The recipient of the Status Updater award is the one who makes the best use out of our Status Update feature to let us know their thoughts for the day, their favourite new tunes, their drunken rambles, and the like. (& with the abundance of new random threads still constantly being created, I greatly thank the ones who utilise this feature instead when appropriate.) @Cult Leader @Dark Angel @Embach @Mer @venice biotch Whether it be a Lana reference or pun, an iconic song title, or just a purely imaginative name, we all have that one member whose name makes us smile, and the Best Username award is for that special someone. @BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou @Daytona Beach Sparkler @prettywhenimhigh @Stoned Mary in the Garden @Sunbather Moonchaser For the Worst Username award... well... we will just assume your first option was already taken. @Brooklyn Fetus @CoochieSwirlC @Lana Del Dufrene @Nectar Of The Puss @X8deletedUserX Members are allowed to creatively express themselves through their profile picture, and the Best Profile Picture award honours our favourites. Whether it be a beautiful photograph of Lana, an image of their lovely self, another iconic artist, a stunning artwork, or just an aesthetically pleasing image, let's show some love to the little square images we all associate our members with. @Elle @lmdr @Rorman Nockwell @That Venice Bitch @The Sun Also Rises With the best must come with the worst. To oppose the previous award, our new Worst Profile Picture award honours the profile images that give us all a little jumpscare when we see them. Perhaps it's time for a change. @111 @Americen Whore @Brightsun @CoochieSwirlC @ivory almond This is the first of the five new awards we've added this year! A member's signature gives a deeper insight into who they are. Whether it be their favourite quote or lyric, carefully selected imagery to match their profile picture, a graphic they designed themselves, or just something they feel truly defines them, the Best Signature award will honour whose signature you admire seeing after every post they make. @boom like that @Elle @prettywhenimhigh @sparklrtrailrheaven @Thats why they call me Dita Even I myself can't deny that I have at times turned off viewing signatures because some members' signature are just way too much to tolerate. Whether it be a catastrophe of multiple gifs that slows down page loading, a certain artist you despise that you can't stand seeing after every post a member makes, or any other general eyesore, the new Worst Signature award will give that member a hint that perhaps it is time to switch their signature, or just get rid of it completely. @ivory almond @Make me your Dream Life @SalvaWHORE @That Venice Bitch @TrashMagiq The Best Taste award is to honour the member who is the embodiment of true taste. Their opinions are like Gucci (all over their body.) Let’s discuss this – they’re disgusting, you’re delicious. @Come With Me @Dark Angel @Embach @shadesofblue @Veinsineon Well, you can’t agree with everyone. Opposite from our previous award, the Worst Taste award is for the one whose opinions leave others questioning. We’re sorry, but we still love you anyway. @111 @baddisease @barttttender @Lindsay Lohan @Wait For Life This award is reserved for our own America’s Sweetheart who always keeps it sugary sweet. Let’s show our appreciation for those who make LanaBoards an enjoyable place to be with the Nicest Member award. @Beautiful Loser @Dark Angel @Elle @Embach @shadesofblue No negativity on this site, thank u. But it happens sometimes. This award is for our feisty pitbull who takes no shame in digging their claws in every now and then. Take your Rudest Member award, and then maybe chill out. @111 @barttttender @fl0r1dakil0s @Lindsay Lohan @Wait For Life Old is gold. This award is to honour our member who has continued to come back year after year despite the madness, the one who has become truly embedded within LanaBoards culture. Give a salute as we honour the right person who has stayed with us with the Veteran Member award. (Note: Only accounts who have joined before August 2019 are eligible for this award) @Beautiful Loser @Dark Angel @Elle @PARADIXO @Veinsineon Old may be gold, but new can be diamonds! The Best New Member award is for our favourite new face, who thankfully hasn’t been scared away yet. We'd like to think that you will stick around. (Note: Only accounts who have joined after August 2023 are eligible for this award) @audreysdance @laurita @motel six @venice biotch @Waimea Bay Everybody loves an underdog. The Underrated Member award is for the member who you feel doesn’t get enough credit around here and deserves their flowers. We won’t let you die an underdog in vain. @DeadSeaOfMercury @Dua Lipa @honeymoon is alive @jimmyjimmycocoapuff @Pico Ocean Boulevard Though I truly resent this award each year, at this point it has become tradition. As our member graveyard grows slowly but surely each year, the Best Banned Member award is to honour someone who is no longer here with us due to their own naughtiness. Perhaps a legend in their own right, pour out a drink for our fallen sisters with this award. (in b4 it’s all the same person in 5 different variants.) @lanaismamom @lustforlife (aka @disguttodeath) @Prettiest Boy In Country Music @spinmeround @The Siren The Most Missed Sis award is for someone who isn't necessarily a banned member, but for one who unfortunately hasn't been around for a while on their own accord. Who do you miss seeing? Who do you want to have their comeback era? Let them know through this award. @electra @plastiscguy @southbeachswing @takeitdoen @X8deletedUserX This one is for the top Lipster, Lanatic, Lanita, Little F*cker, Vintage Kid, or whatever else you want to call us Lana stans. Whether it be because of their huge Lana collection, their knowledge of Lana’s life history, their frequency at live shows, or just their general massive appreciation for Lana, the Biggest Stan award will honour the true ride or die (bitch.) @Dark Angel @Elle @Embach @lizzyology @That Venice Bitch “When will people be over her? I am a Hater.” Although this is a whole forum dedicated to Lana herself, we do have those members who give her a hard time, and that’s why I cross my fingers that Lana doesn’t visit here too often. Although I don’t endorse the hatred, perhaps the Biggest Lana Hater award can give a little hint-hint nudge-nudge to ease off… or just add more fuel to the fire. @barttttender @Delete NOW @Lanaparadiserey @plastiscguy @Vertimus Although this is a Lana forum, we have plenty of members who are here solely for our entertainment section, which makes up a huge portion of our site. So, who’s your favourite Angel? Your favourite Little Ferrari? Your favourite Diamond? Your favourite Crybaby? Your favourite Swiftie? The Hybrid Fan award is our special thanks to a member who continues to visit, even if Lana isn’t their primary reason for their stay. Everyone is welcome a seat at the table. @Cherry Blossom @Lindsay Lohan @Mer @TrashMagiq @Veinsineon It’s no doubt that LanaBoards can be a war zone, and this award is for the member who always tries to keep the peace so our world can keep dancing. Whether it be a moderator or an unofficial officer, let’s honour the member who walks into the depth of the fire to put out the flames with the Peace Keeper award. I’ll also be taking note of these nominees as possible future mods, or those mods who deserve an extra pat on the back. Appreciate ya. @Elle @fishtails @NikoGo @That Venice Bitch @ultrabanisters The Attention Whore award is to give a gentle nudge that this place is in fact LanaBoards, not ____Boards. No disrespect here, just honesty. @111 @fl0r1dakil0s @ivory almond @Lana Del Dufrene @Wait For Life A new special award - and one that we definitely should have already had! It is only proper that we finally thank those whose humourous posts keep the site's love alive. The Bartender Award - for Funniest Member will honour the member whose posts never fail to make us go "ha ha ha ha!" @ivory almond @Mer @The Stargirl Pinky @TrashMagiq @Veinsineon If LanaBoards had a dating app, who would be your super like? Who has you drooling in the Pictures of You thread? The Be My Daddy Award - for Hottest Member is to honour the hottest of the hot, whether you’re a daddy, mommy, or sexy enby. @Elle @Mer @mssainttropez @shadesofblue @taco truck Whether it be someone who has a meltdown over every single Lana notification or just simply cannot hold themselves back from falling apart all over the boards letting their head spin like a ballerina, the Queen of Disaster Award - for Biggest Drama Queen is for them. A little extra dramatics never hurt anyone. Most of the time. @111 @ivory almond @Lindsay Lohan @lizzyology @Wait For Life Which member’s posts give you continuous war flashbacks, the same kind of feeling you get whenever you see a picture of a typewritten message posted on IG? The Q.F.T.C Award - for Most Problematic Member is for them, and I hope their own QFTC proclamation awaits. @111 @fl0r1dakil0s @ivory almond @Nectar Of The Puss @Wait For Life Perhaps this is a member who is no stranger to the mod queue or one that maybe you think deserves to have their unhinged posts moderated before public view. (Disclaimer that the winner of the Mod Queue Award - for Most Annoying Member award will not actually receive mod queue for it... At least not yet, anyway.) @ivory almond @JDaniel @Lana Del Dufrene @Wait For Life @youronetimebeautyqueen04 LanaBoards houses so much talent within our member base, and the Big Eyes Award - for Best Artist honours our true artists – whether it be for their physical or digital art, we truly have so much talent here. I will also be taking notes for future site theme design help xx @Embach @kallumlavigne @lmdr @Trash Magic @venice biotch We have talent of all kinds here, including those who are masters of audio art! Whose remixes have tricked you into believing a demo of a Lana song leaked on the site that shall not be named? Who do you wish will be Lana’s next core producer? Let them know with the Jack Anti-noff Award - for Best Audio Artist, and perhaps you could rival Mr. Antonoff for production credits on LDR11. @Actor @ivory almond @Lindsay Lohan @Lana Del Dufrene @plastiscguy As I do have to pay extra to keep the Blog section alive, you bet damn well I’m going to honour the members who actually use it. Perhaps the Self-Loathing Poet Award - for Best Blogger may even inspire others to make their life their poetry, aside from their lovemaking being their legacy (or whatever you like to post in there.) @Beautiful Loser @Embach @Liz Taylor Blues @Make me your Dream Life @Nectar Of The Puss Every year, there is always one certain thread that gives us that lust for life that keeps this site alive. The Thread of the Year award is to honour that thread and all the chaos and wonderfulness that ensued within it. We wouldn’t be without it. Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024 Lasso - Pre-Pre-Release Thread LDR as a rat Random Useless Info Post (++Piano Theme // Morricone) The Kink Thread As Lana proclaimed at the 2015 Golden Globes Awards, “Well, I love drama!” Whether it be site-related drama or Lana-related drama, there is never a dry day in the Lana Fandom. The Drama of the Year award is for the little extra spice within the fandom that took the cake this year. Lana losing all 5 of her Grammy nominations Lana's marriage to Jeremy Dufrene Lasso not releasing in September Multiple bans and dupe discoveries Taylor Swift thread being locked due to fighting A new grand award! We have had so many iconic performances this year that it is only right that we honour the best, especially as we gear up for Lana's upcoming sold-out UK & Ireland stadium tour. Whether you loved a particular concert's setlist, outfits, vocals, special guests, or if you simply enjoyed watching either in person or via livestream, the Performance of the Year award will honour the show that will live down in herstory. Coachella (Weekend 1) Coachella (Weekend 2) Fenway Park Leeds Festival Rock en Seine "If you become a fashion icon, I'm gonna kill myself!" - Chuck Grant Someone do a wellness check on Chuck as with the dream team (Molly, Etienne, and Anna supremacy) on her side, Lana served us multiple stunning looks this year. From red carpet and special event looks that left us gagged in our Appearances section, to her upgraded concert style, to even random serves on the street, Lana did not let us forget that she will forever be young and beautiful, and this new Look of the Year award will honour the most delectable serve. Clive Davis' Annual Pre-Grammy Gala Grammy Awards InStyle Imagemaker Awards Lana's Wedding Met Gala Lana not only blesses us with her beautiful voice, but also her beautiful self captured in photographs. It's always an exciting day when a new photoshoot is published, with fans perhaps using the opportunity to select that next photo to use as their phone lockscreen or computer wallpaper so they can have a constant reminder of their favourite face. As an individual who is beautiful both inside and out, let's honour our queen's outer beauty with the returning Photoshoot of the Year award. Promo Shoot in Louisiana (Wyatt Spain Winfrey) Skims (Nadia Lee Cohen) Tough (Wyatt Spain Winfrey) Vogue (Virgile Guinard) Vogue Italia (Steven Meisel) Though a controversial topic at times, leaks are undoubtedly a part of Lana stan culture, and we had quite a bountiful year this year! Which locked-away masterpiece that broke away from its chains wowed you this year? Whether it be a song we had been counting down the days for or a complete surprise, it’s only right that we honour these previously hidden gems with the Leak of the Year award. Dark City Everything I Do Ice Cream Unfixable Zodiac Though our basket of released songs isn't as bountiful as previous years, it has still become tradition to have our Song of the Year award. This award will honour our favourite tune that became part of our soundtrack for this year, making its way to the top of our wraps and replays. Blue Skies Tough (w/ Quavo) Tough - Channel Tres Remix Tough - Gravagerz Remix Lost at Sea - ANNA Remix Not only do we stan an icon, but this site itself is iconic in its own right. Whether it’s something Lana herself did or something that happened on LanaBoards, the new Iconic Moment of the Year award will honour that top memory of the year that will forever live down in Lipster history. Lana and Elle partying together at a club in Atlanta Lana attending the Met Gala Lana bringing out Billie Eilish during Coachella Lana getting married Lana singing Roses Bloom for You as a warm-up before Rock en Seine and then posting a fan edit of the song to her Instagram stories months later This award is for our true living legend. Who truly made LanaBoards what it was this year? Let us bestow our honour upon this sacred member through the coveted Lipster of the Year award. We'll never forget you, like the tunnel under Ocean Blvd. @Dark Angel @Elle @Embach @Mer @Pantene123
  17. Elle

    Charli XCX

    Hi all, just wanted to pop in and let you know that LanaBoards received a DMCA takedown notice from the RIAA for the snippets shared of Headlinez in this thread. As you all know, sharing links to copyrighted material intended for release is strictly against our rules, but unreleased material is sort of a grey area. To err on the side of caution, please do not share leaks to any new current material from the past era. Receiving frequent takedown notices like these could put LanaBoards in jeopardy, so I'd like to be as safe as possible here to prevent anything resulting in the loss of our site. Thank you x
  18. The nominations for the 2024 Lipsters Awards have closed!! Thank you so much to everyone who submitted! I’ll begin working on tallying the nominations tomorrow to determine our top 5 nominees in each category and will launch the voting round in the following days! Stay tuned! Happy new year, Lipsters
  19. There's... only... 24 hours.... ...Left to submit your nominations for the 2024 Lipsters Awards! If you haven't yet submitted, you have until the moment we enter into the new year (eastern time) so please wrap up and submit your nominations to the official form here! Also, please make sure to comment here or DM @admin once they are submitted. Every nomination counts, so get yours in before it's too late! Xx
  20. Nominations close when the clock strikes midnight as we enter New Year’s Day - hopefully you’re able to find a moment to at least submit some!! Xx
  21. Being delulu in the Lanaverse isn’t necessarily a bad thing - we could’ve written you off for being delulu for mentioning that RBFY could be on the record a few months ago, but now look at recent events! Always feel free to share your delusions with the Lipsters, you never know what may manifest
  22. She had already been following them! The additional people she recently followed were some of Jeremy’s family, I assume she spent the holidays with them. Either way though, I would luvvv for some jazzy elements on the record as that’s always been my favourite sound from her xx
  23. Bringing this back in light of recent events… x
  24. Elle

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    The most delicious one of all I am SALIVATINGGGG xx
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