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Everything posted by SylviaPlath

  1. ok as someone that didn't listen to the leaks, when she starts singing fuh it i love youuuu over the california dreaming part i literally busted a musical nut
  2. when the communication is so bad your main producer doesn't even know when the music is dropping
  3. oh my god ,,,,,,, i am so tired https://twitter.com/jackantonoff/status/1162161029805170689
  4. Stop overthinking the politicisation of Lana's music. The rampant mass shootings in the US are enough to deeply effect anyone enough to pen a song about. The lack of specificity and dreaminess of the lyrics are just her method of expressing discontent with the current political climate and gun violence. Do you really want her to be more specific? Yeah, there are millions of issues that she could be singing about; there is an endless list of things wrong in the world. But considering the intensity of the media coverage of mass shootings and the potency of gun culture in America, I think this makes sense. I couldn't really imagine her singing about homelessness or trans rights or something (those are valid issues, too). This is something that directly effects all of the US and considering Lana's love for Americana in the past it makes sense that it would effect her on an emotional level. The song is great. The lyrics are beautiful. You can criticise the music, but criticising her choice of topic is just so redundant and dumb. Gun violence isn't a first world issue. It's something that effects literally everyone.
  5. seriously what are we supposed to do until the 30th now.. now that we know the album is that good.. i genuinely can't survive
  6. I genuinely think Melon will give it AT LEAST a 7. His biggest problem with Lana has always been lyrics and her mingling with rap/trap influence.. and from what I can tell NFR is almost completely devoid of the latter and her lyrics are now so fucking good idk what he will complain about
  7. not to be that bitch but... this has to be her best body of work yet
  8. oh my god love song made me tear up... she's really done that...
  9. It's an Australian JB hi fi store exclusive for now, but who knows
  10. Australia never does anything right and yet we got the superior blue vinyl... suddenly im a patriot
  11. I cant believe the neon green vinyl meme became a reality... what kind of joke
  12. when do we find out the song lengths? will that go up on iTunes?
  13. @ my fellow australians are yall gonna preorder through jb or lana?
  14. How is Australia ahead of America for once with vinyls and shit? How did JB manage to get an exclusive vinyl? What the actual fuck is happening? Do I preorder the exclusive vinyl? What do I do? We never have to worry about this shit bc we always get stuff last lmao
  15. August 30th is such a good date. In aus winter is over and it's starting to get warmer, by September we can usually swim in the ocean but the days aren't overwhelmingly hot yet like summer. The days are so beautiful and sunny, oh my god this album will be perfect for my moody long ass drives in the sun
  16. @@RormanNockwell Nockwell when can we expect an iconic stick figure rendition of the cover
  17. I must be so fucking dumb lmfao I didn't even notice the brushstroke detail in the sky... or the fires in the background... iconic literally iconic
  18. i think i'll just have to embrace it as very lana... like her poetry snippets, they were often messy and not punctuated properly. i guess it adds a more organic feel.
  19. ok, but sis MAKE IT ALL LOWERCASE OR ALL UPPERCASE not some of both...... it hurts my soul
  20. the only complaint i have (other than the font) is the fact that only some of the songs are capitalised on the tracklist. its hurting my english major brain oh my god
  21. Excluding the font, I really fucking love the cover and the back lmaoo oops
  22. Also I can't believe Shazam proved to be the most reliable resource of all time this era
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