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Everything posted by SylviaPlath

  1. lads this is the official rankings don't @ me HIADT (lol yes ik unpopular opinion but i will literally die for that damn song) Venice Bitch How to Disappear Cinnamon In Your Car Mariners NFR HIAB Doin Time You Don't Ever Have To
  2. ^ agree. i don't mind if you don't like lana live - the experience is a lot - and i'm cool with that. but how naive can you be going to a concert of an alternative singer who is known to sing about drugs and be surprised that people are doing drugs????
  3. lmfao i tweeted that old woman and she deleted her tweet about the fans doing drugs immediately
  4. skirtsandsuits makes me laugh. that has got to be the most disgusting instagram feed i have ever seen. why does she completely oversaturate her photos like it's 2012
  5. I had fifteen-year dances Church basement romances, yeah, I've cried Spilling my guts with the Bowery Bums Is the only love I've ever known Except for the stage, which I also call home, when I'm not Servin' up God in a burnt coffee pot for the triad Hello, it's the most famous woman you know on the iPad Calling from beyond the grave, I just wanna say, "Hi, Dad" uhhhhhhhh are we listening to the same songs?
  6. i swear i've said this like forty times, but i don't want any massive bangers. i like that she's on her leanord cohen narrative style of song, with the simple instrumentation. everything we hear from nfr convinces me she's evolved so much as an artist. that being said, lana, you need to drop a date or something. i'm going to die without a solid date
  7. this is going to sound bad, because i am genuinely glad lana is happy - or at least appears to be - but i would cut out my spleen if we could go back to september last year when she was dropping venice bitch and mariners and working with jack and posting a gazillion snippets and the album seemed very imminent.... then those insta baddie friends came along and ruined EVERYTHING... i swear to god........ .. .. . i am genuinely glad she's enjoying herself but..... I need my long winded psychedelic NFR masterpiece. I genuinely hope she doesn't just drop NFR because it's a dark album and she's in a happy place now
  8. anyway i dont care if its too early to say it hope is a dangerous thing has to go down as one of her greatest songs ever
  9. yall assuming these creative decisions are just due to laziness.... she definitely knows everyone hates the lq single covers and yet she's doing it anyway, this time with a fucking selfie.... i think she's trying to make a point
  10. kskskksks yes i am a big sylvia stan which i guess creates some bias towards my love for this song, but even then it's still some of her best work. at least lyrically
  11. I'm about to go off but I just woke up and listened to the song and jesus, I am quite literally speechless. I'm sorry how did Lana go from fucking White Mustang to THIS in the space of just over a year? These lyrics are absolutely insane, I always knew she was capable of writing like this but now that it's happened I'm just...dead. And the album cover -- she clearly doesn't give a fuck anymore. In the best way. Everyone was banging on about quitting the LQ single covers but clearly this is the new agenda. Lana is evidently in total control of her image and output and is just trying to make the best art she can. And honestly I'm glad because this song will go down as one of her best of all time. anyway.... i'm just dead
  12. I think it would be amazing if Lana did a stripped down, solo acoustic tour (maybe even with Jack on the piano). Not necessarily in small venues, but not major arenas either; in between like theatres (kind of like her Apple performance). I think that would be appropriate for NFR's sound and that way she could also work in low key versions of older stuff. I just think, knowing Lana stans, they would just scream the whole time and would ruin the lo-fi experience (myself included, probably).
  13. On another note, when is "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass"/Lana's poetry book dropping? Will it ever? I don't think I've ever needed anything as much as I need a book full of Lana's angsty poems. And I love the title - it gives me Virgin Suicides vibes.
  14. As much as I love Chuck I think Neil Krug does Lana's aesthetic and captures her about 300x times better (that's not to say that Chuck hasn't taken beautiful shots of Lana before, tho). Neil's LFL shoot is still one of my favourite Lana shoots of all time, and I think something like this would be perfect for the album cover: With the rich colours and Lana's bare feet and pensive, natural look, it's really indicative of the type of artists she's evolved into, and one of my favourite shots of her ever.
  15. Freak especially (and most of the Honeymoon album) is perfect for those days in the middle of a long summer where everything is so hot and distant and hazy and you're just lying outside, staring at the sun, and it smells like chlorine and white cotton... i miss summer lol
  16. I really, really think a textless album cover would be great for NFR. Maybe a painting type style - kind of like the Melodrama album cover? I think we're past Lana's BTD font and the one used on LFL.
  17. Omg this messy ass thread. I'm laughing. I think the pre-release tension is getting to everyone's heads.
  18. I don't think we'll get another White Mustang (thankfully ((even though I enjoy that song as a guilty pleasure -- it is not her finest work, lyrically or musically))). Lana is already proving to me that this is going to be her best era lyrically. Everything I've heard has impressed me so much, as someone that loves poetry I think Lana is definitely getting a lot of influence from different writers and she seems to be getting more intricate with her lyrics. I love them so much. Especially Sylvia Plath, I thought that was some of her best lyrics yet. I mean, I personally think LFL was a good transition album into this more introspective, Cohen-esque era. Songs like Heroin and even BPBP are imo some of the standouts of her career lyrically speaking, and she definitely seemed to come into this style naturally and progressively. I think (and hope) she is leaving behind all of the parts of LFL that tarnished it (the rap features, the trap beats, some of the mediocre lyrics) and focusing more on pure self expression and inward fulfilment.
  19. I dont find her vocals in this era 'lazy' at all. To me, it's super Leonard Cohen style, filled with emotion and following the narrative. It's not lazy at all, just a very different style to what we're used to.
  20. Holy hell, what a look. Slay me, mother of three just popping into the country club after a quick horse ride on my thoroughbred.
  21. Honestly feel like this would have been perfect if not for the sleeves. Maybe if they were just completely full sleeves without the holes, that might be a look. But I'm not sure about the holes. Either way, she still looks so amazing.
  22. Yeah, I am definitely including any and all of her outfits in this one! Damn, I absolutely agree. This is definitely in my top 10. Lana seriously knows how to pull of a simple jeans and t-shirt and make it look so good.
  23. You can only choose one. This was ridiculously hard, but I went with her look from Way Out West. So perfect.
  24. I feel like this is said about every Lana era, but I truly do feel this is Her Time. Lana has reached a point in her career where I think she is pretty satisfied with the level of fame and status she's achieved in the music industry, and now she's just focusing purely on artistic freedom and expressing her purest self. I love it so much.
  25. Any other pretentious Beach House stans in here?
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