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Everything posted by Goddess

  1. I also found it on tumblr. Does it remind anyone else of Fall Into My Hands by Jimmy?
  2. Can someone please put Flipside on soundcloud or somewhere? I'm only on mobile!
  3. Have you not heard it yet? Scroll back a little in this thread & there will be a Soundcloud link. It doesn't fit the UV sound at all (at least in my opinion.)
  4. I'm pretty sure there's an interview, it's just not here yet. And I don't know how to translate.
  5. Yeah, I deffinitely heard "Got your gun, I've got my Dad." too.
  6. @@IconicSoul Can you get official Sad Girl lyrics from your friend?
  7. It's SELL. They are going to sell their drugs in the Florida Keys. Smh.
  8. Goddess

    Sad Girl

    What does bonnie mean? & Are we sure it's money?
  9. But I love this album. So glad I saved Florida Kilos for last. Very Lizzy Grant. I love how she has a certain sound for Cali, NYC, and Florida (where I live) And I just went to NYC for the first time last week. And how the sounds are still all connected. The only things I don't adore is the TOW cover. I just wasn't feeling it. You could tell she only connected to the end part of the lyrics, where she sort of made it her own with her voice- which I liked. But that was the only part. And G&R was really repetitive. But I think I can get into it. That's it.
  10. I'm not downloading, so can someone please upload on Tumblr the rest of the tracks after they're done enjoying them? Old Money, Guns and Roses, etc. I already preordered itunes and 2 other versions. X )
  11. PWYC got me! I almost started crying & know I will in the future when I listen to it and am not so excited. I like everything I've heard so far! Am roughly listening in album order. Saving FK for last. So glad everybody likes it. And BB won't play for me. /: But am in love with all the others. SG seems to be the one I like the least right now. But I think I will like it more once I know the lyrics 100%.
  12. I just listened to the whole thing through. Amazing.
  13. Lanashadesofcool is teasing again. Says they'll post one song.
  14. They got the lyrics from this guy @ but I have no clue where the promise is from. Ask Moy.
  15. Where do you think he ordered his boxset from? He's from Amsterdam. Maybe someone sent there's out early....
  16. Can someone translate the Les Inrocks interview while were waiting? It sounds interesting from what I've seen on Twitter.
  17. The booklet and cd look pretty, but he's ruining the experience of getting MY cd. I just want the songs.
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