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Everything posted by Rico25

  1. But it's so much better now that she can sing haha
  2. Well something is indeed keeping her really quiet during west coast
  3. Ok the show is already better she was able to sing omfg
  4. So excited but I'm not expecting anything new lol
  5. Please don't perform BUS please don't perform BUS please don't perform BUS
  6. and it's the only OB track which got a proper single treatment with a video
  7. I think it's the only change we can hope for, or perhaps another song she performed in 2023 so they don't have to do many rehearsals
  8. These dream setlists are low-key making me upset
  9. It will probably be better vocally and I hope have less long ass intros/interludes lol
  10. Rico25

    Instagram Updates

    This could explain why some moments of the show were anticlimactic idk
  11. Rico25

    Instagram Updates

    OMG she spilled on IG! Coachella related drama
  12. Definitely option 1 with very minor changes I actually think even her shows later this year will be similar because Coachella was the biggest place to change it up and yeah they did change the scenography but overall kept a very similar show as that of 2023
  13. yes https://www.coachella.com/youtube-livestream
  14. Do you know if it's the same time schedule as week 1? Anyways hoping for her to be more confident vocally it would improve the show a lot tbh And hoping for LTLI too
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