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Posts posted by Venice

  1. 36 minutes ago, 5Rick said:

    People, pls, don't complain! There are some of us out there (like me) who couldn't even snatch one signed item  at all this time around :bebe: so better "Lana" than "nothing"!


    This time around?! I've never been able to snatch one in my life lmao :toofunny: I couldn't this time either - made me so sad, so I said fuck it and turned to a psycho scalper, with his psycho pricing and bled out my wallet (and all of those sold out omg, so I know others bled out too lmaooo :ohno:). So if I wanna cry, I cry girl :air: 

  2. It's the middle of the night and I'm wondering about how tall Lana is? I always thought 5'6 but maybe she's 5'5 or even 5'8 or? Does anyone know? :oprah2:

    ♪ "I'm leavin' them as I was, five foot eight" :oprah2: ???¿¿¿


    I'm 5'6.5 and thought she was around that too?? dkfjnksdu

  3. 7 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:

    i don't lana's screaming in dealer sound objectively bad, maybe it's not for everybody, but they don't sound bad, at least she was experimenting with her vocals, it's exciting, surprising, provoking, etc. if she sang with a quiet monotone voice she'd be criticized for that, sometimes you can't really "win" so you might as well do what you want to do :whatever2:


    Exactly! I may not be in love with every single Lana sound (like not even everyone likes BB, we are aaall different and it's fine :creep:), but I still always want her to do what she wants, 100%. And she might as well, since she can't please us all anyway lmao

  4. 14 minutes ago, lanalizzielove said:

    I honestly agree with Fantano with this one. The vocals could have been cleared up a bit but yeah… i get the “rawness” i guess. i get the “one-take” aesthetic, but not a fan of it. 

    i found that his favorites were also my favorites.


    Eerrr and “Dealer” is a meh track for me - I just like it because I’m a fan, I have a huge bias, and I’ve never heard Lana really scream like that. i can see why non fans of Lana would think it’s trash. 


    Wait, really? I thought Dealer was trending all over Tik Tok by the general public?? It also performed significantly better than any of the other recent BB song uploads on her YT (not including the MVs, of course) hm, idk I just had the impression the song was big, but maybe not

  5. 1 hour ago, Elle said:


    :wowcry: wow u got me crying at 7:27pm on a Tuesday.. feltttt. 


    Some of the things Lana was saying on the livestream about relationships and such were words that I felt like I really needed to hear, because even though it's been over 2 years since my last relationship ended, there was still so much that was unprocessed that was just simply ignored and pushed past instead. So, it really made me think about some things I hadn't thought about in a while, again, just because I try to ignore a lot of it now. Even though the majority of the time she was actually saying these things to specific fans, it felt like she was speaking directly to me too. I am still so grateful for that live and really hope she does one like that again sometime soon. It was so personal, so special x


    Aww, love you Elle :ohno: Some years ago one night I read through so many if not all of your tweets, bc I felt each one pierce through my soul :toofunny: May your pure lil heart find nothing but happiness and good things, good people in the future <3


    I'm so thankful for that livestream too. I'm just so happy that unlike so many too-good-for-you out of touch type of celebs, that Lana actually feels, and feels so much. She even boldly talked about being sensitive in that stream and it was just so human, honest and beautiful. 

  6. 19 minutes ago, drugsdesire said:

    call me invasive, but i really wonder what she saw in him. their relationship didn't last longer than her past relationships after francesco, so why is he so great and why did she feel the need to point him out as an example of "chemistry never dying"? i'll admit, i don't like sean at all (him being a cop has nothing to do with that, but i hate that too), but it was kinda a relief seeing lana so happy with someone that i overlooked him lmao

    but really, why was he so special and what happened between them if she was still in love with him when they broke up? :pls:


    I've been deep in love unlike ever before with someone in the past, to where nobody else in my life could see just what kinda magic I saw in that "ordinary" person, with some even being confused about it all. But he was so shiny in my eyes... Looking back, even I can't explain it or put it into words, but it was how it was. Life passed us by, we went too fast, we crashed and we're strangers now, but it still doesn't change how I felt, how I probably will always feel. Maybe it was something similar like that for her too, but I guess we'll never really know.

  7. 12 hours ago, bluechemtrails said:

    I like them. Every time I hear crows or ravens outside, I now think of this song.


    That's nice. I hear the crows from time to time too, but I don't think of Lana. I just want them all to stfu :oprah:


    6 hours ago, lover said:

    you spilled 


    I love your interpretations omg 😂

  8. 22 minutes ago, Deadly Cruel Girl said:

    Someone has anger issues.


    Yeah that sorta shocked me lol, cause in this case he was literally just looking out for her safety, and got 👋 as a reward 

    So like imagine pissing her off for an actual invalid/bad reason... 💀 rip xoxo

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