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Posts posted by Venice

  1. Screen-Shot-2021-10-19-at-4-59-35-PM.png


    I was just browsing online and randomly came across this photo again. Man, I freaking wish she would've officially went with this photo for CoCC instead of that strange picnic table one. Everyone looks badass in this one and it's truly a captivating shot. 


    Why Lana, why :defeated:

  2. 4 minutes ago, PatentLeatherDoOver said:
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    Also, am I making this up, or did someone find something that implied Clay was into feet on Twitter or something?



    2 minutes ago, Super Movie said:

    Lana posted a lot of feet pics and foot related content when she was with Clay, so we all just kind of assumed that that was why :oopna: Unless we do have a confirmation on it that I just didn't see lol 


    I forget the detailed explanation (tho I remember I had it explained to me before lol sorry) but yes it's confirmed Clay is into foot stuff, like for real. All good of course but yeah!


    kshgjkshg man, something has come over me and I just can't wait for BB release day!! Any and all future/current foot references are more than welcome :krylie: Sis been through it all

  3. 17 hours ago, Marvin Abel said:

    Originally posted on Reddit.



    Died to Live (Born to Die)





    Purgatory (Paradise)





    Mildpacificism (Ultraviolence)





    Divorce (Honeymoon)





    Desire for Death (Lust for Life)



    It's hard to make me laugh but, yooooo 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Your mind :gclap:

  4. 16 minutes ago, opheliaandthemotel said:
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    yes, after you listen to it like 15 times



    The perfect answer tbh. It's hard for me to believe that I didn't like several legends like Summertime Sadness and West Coast when they'd first come out. Then, years later when I finally gave some more listens, I was like omg what the *%&#* @myself 


    Personally I didn't really like anything from BB other than Nectar of the Gods (which is GOLD to me tho) from so long ago and Trio which doesn't count imo lol, but today fell in love with Violets for Roses, Black Bathing Suit recently too, and I just know it's prob a matter of time before :sluttybunny:

  5. 2 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


    the critics are so unfairly biased against her, they'll take her lyric about being happy that covid is slowly, yet surely becoming a thing of the past, and they'll twist it into some lyric hinting at conspiracy theory anti-mask extreme right-wing propaganda :horror2:


    I was driving a while ago in peace, listening to that song serenely, but then the same thoughts were crossing my mind omg, like the whole republican thing they're prob gonna throw her way with that and more lmao I'm just :toofunny:

  6. Omg my heart is beating af LMAO I just bought the signed stuff for a waaaaay over the top rip off price from some scalper asshole since I missed the big signed drop day but... like FINALLY :defeated: I've never owned any "special" Lana item and always wanted authentic signed stuff but I just really didn't like the NFR or Chemtrails official covers and too broke for any previous signed stuff and am scared of her future stuff being PicsArt. However, BB's cover is ridiculously gorgeous to me and just. OH MY GOD ya know :defeated::defeated::defeated::defeated::defeated: Knowing she signed it herself, like it's one thing to be told that, but to be SHOWN that in video :defeated: sfdksdhflsdghlsg. 



  7. Juuussstt my take! That this whole IG thing tonight makes me kinda sad tbh bc it shows once again how sensitive she is (even when she doesn't wanna care and just wants to be off in the world doing her own thing in peace), and it's both relatable af and heartbreaking :( I hope one day she truly won't give a fuck about what lies the media/attention seekers are spewing and can truly be away and free from it all ya know. Like can she just live her life without hearing about all this nonsense all the time, especially when she takes concrete steps to more or less disappear :facepalm:  

  8. 21 minutes ago, Sweb92 said:
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    So the album is beautiful, a few of the tracks underwhelmed me but it's a lovely album overall... however after listening to the trio I can't help but think how much better her music could be if she made songs with that sort of beat and fire to it?? The trio could have made a killer full song imo. I think nectar of the gods would have been my favourite if I hadn't have been listening to a year Prior



    DAMN, I was having a shower and even tho I'm probably so late to this, I KNEW IT. I just got this feeling that everything got leaked and omgggggg here I ammmmm here it issss :creep::creep::creep::creep::creep::creep: Ready to drown into this rabbit hole toniiighhhhht :defeated:

  9. On 10/12/2021 at 10:29 PM, That Venice Bitch said:

    I hope ur ok. Let's get new leaks for this girl AMIRIGHT


    On 10/12/2021 at 10:47 PM, COCC said:

    All those dick pics manifested an actual dick treating you badly :oprah: hope you‘re ok, icon!


    love y'all sm I don't even have the wordsssss :crying4: 


    I'm feeling kinda better omg thank you, seriously ? I ruined the biggest/most serious exam of my life (that was supposed to determine my life path :crai:) BUT it's okay I'll try harder in the future!! Can't quit!! :defeated:


    Thank god for good music and good peeps :gclap: Soo ready for BB!! :wub:

  10. 5 hours ago, BlueINK said:

    I like that you said this. When Honeymoon was released I hated it. Because I was in a UV mood (sad and kind of angry at nobody in particular) and Honeymoon was too "boring" to me. But then I got much better mentally and calmed down and today UV and HM are the two masterpieces of Lanas career to me. 


    Yeah! So many times, sometimes even several years later, I've found myself deeply falling in love with a Lana song or album that I didn't care for previously or maybe didn't even like at all. Life is such a trip :air:

  11. 41 minutes ago, Urbanney said:

    I've never been so unexcited about a Lana release before as I am for Blue Banisters. COTCC (the album) didn't click with me a whole lot, but so far, everything with Blue Banisters clicks with me like even 10 times than even COTCC did.


    I could go without hearing BB, WW, TB, or Arcadia ever again and be completely indifferent.


    It SUCKS to feel this way about one of your favorite artists of all time and one that has always immediately clicked with you every era previously. :toofunny:


    It definitely does suck, but it'ssss okay <3 I probably won't ever be revisiting those songs either, just not the right vibe for me (at this point of my life anyway) - happens! I'm actually more excited about her future projects when she moves on to a different sound. She'll always have a spesh place in my heart tho, even if she stays like dis :crying4: 

  12. 12 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    I didn't know Living Legend was written with Barrie too :icant: I mean it makes sense timing-wise but it's a nice surprise 


    I never looked into Lana's personal life much until the recent year or so, and basically found out today that Barrie is Scottish! :icant: Idk I was just surprised. I wonder what else I don't know :icant: Maybe there's another song on BB with more Barrie? :crying4: 


    5 minutes ago, Sportscruiser said:

    With all due respect, I think Miles and Lana are on very distant extremes within the emotional spectrum on that song.


    Yeah that's totally ok?? That was my whole point, that people can have v different perspectives! :)

  13. 4 hours ago, Thunder Corpse said:

    It's not really though. The song is structurd around a dialogue sitation - which obviously requires two people to duet. I don't mean to be offensive or anything, but even though a lot about art is about personal interpretation, some things just aren't.


    Oh don't worry, you're not offensive at all! And I actually really appreciate differences in opinions and exchanging them etc. :) I do understand what you're saying, I'm just adding that there's still often lots of room for interpretation, i.e. to me, Dealer isn't a dialogue. To me, both singers are echoing the same sentiment/singing from the same perspective, as one. 

  14. 27 minutes ago, House of Balloons said:

     i wish she would’ve just stuck with the raw footage of her doing random shit in the hotel room, at least it’s a little bit reminiscent of her older style. 


    Yeah! Kinda like in her MV for Hope? It was so interesting even though it was extremely simple. Made me do my laundry all sexy too :wtf3: anyway

  15. 30 minutes ago, Thunder Corpse said:

    I'm not saying anyone has to like duets (I'm no big fan pf them either) but this is one of the few collabs of hers shere the duet actually makes sense. If it was another LFL/BPBP situation where she had a solo song and randomly picked out  lines to give them to a feature artist, I'd understand the want for a solo version (and would probably feel that way too).

    But the whole story Dealer is telling only works as a duet. If she'd sing it all by hersepf it would lose a lot of it's meaning.

    I also prefer songs with just her but wanting a track to be solo just for the sake of it ... nah


    Love you but that's still subjective! And song meanings, especially Lana's intricate works, can especially be v subjective and have all kinds of interpretations!


    But yeah I also prefer solos - I hope the 5 other BB songs I haven't heard don't have features, unless it's some spicy beat :sluttybunny:

  16. 16 minutes ago, Alison by Slowdive said:

    oh i so agree - i actually care v little for technically perfect vocals when i listen to music of any kind (though i can still appreciate them). her vocals on 'elvis' are some of my favourites - give me highly evocative and impassioned and weird "imperfect" vocals any day :cryney2:


    I agree. There's just something so beautiful about those unpolished, unhinged vocals. :flutter:

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