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Posts posted by Venice

  1. WOW I had an entire dream about how we were all trying to solve the mysteries of Arcadia on here and basically, I order at McDonald's and the bag says "Arcadia" on it and I freak out in the dream, realizing that all along it was some secret key to ordering the right stuff at McDick's :hdu:



  2. 4 hours ago, CocaColaCrystalMeth said:

    Just did thanks. Hopefully it worked


    your sig both kills me and gives me life :crying4:


    anyway omg where is lana what is lana doing sjhfsjhfskdjf


    speaking of lana, reminds me of a time where at the beginning i used to pronounce 'lana' like 'tana' :creep:


    on an even darker note, as much as i expect a blue vinyl for blue bannisters, it's lana!! so you just never know :creep: ever :creep::creep:

  3. 6 hours ago, drugsdesire said:

    omg those were exactly my thoughts! i think it's just the way she is. maybe she just didn't have the heart to tell him they're done so she's moved on already while he thinks she's cheating (which she tehnically is i guess?) 

    Yep I know just what you mean!!


    “Doooo you knoooow, that I am going to leave you?” :creep:

    No, no they don’t know :creep:

  4. 15 hours ago, mlittle11 said:

    do u guys think what clay was talking about in that tweet was about lana cheating on him ? bc she moved on FAST

    a little too fast....


    Hmm. Remember when Lana left Barrie and Barrie didn't even know until he was asked about it in an interview? I feel like by the time Lana leaves, she's already processed the breakup and moved on, while it's still fresh for the other person, maybe even a surprise :crai:

  5. 17 minutes ago, Diamantes WILD said:

    and if the relationship fallout is what's delaying the record, then yeah forsure it's a major setback to the "bones" of the record but it's still a very much smart move to've released the 3 tracks, they're pretty solid w or w/o n w the current title track's context n story, would still work without him. 


    Oh I just remembered that music video bit with Clay in it (for BB). I really wonder if this is actually why the album got delayed, like maybe he was too involved in the cinematography overall or lyrics or smthn, especially as she loves to name drop. Anyway, now that it doesn't matter anymore, I'm glad he's gone :creep: Next!

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