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Posts posted by MotelHoney

  1. I don't know, but I THINK that the roller coaster scene wont be in the official video, its just a thought, I mean no professional director would change the aspect radio in each scene!



    Yeah, I'm 98% certain that won't actually be in the movie, it's just LDR's own trailer. I'm just saying that if she's been editing for a while, it's pretty easy to change it herself.

  2. My favourites would be:

    - Hard

    - Rude boy

    - S&M
    - Only girl (in the world)


    I loved her in fashion killa (a$ap) and her latest song + video in 'Pour it up' is amazing, in my opinion. Her style is iconic. 

    Everyone's calling for the video for PIU to be banned, when it's really not that bad at all. It kinda reminds me of the video for Carmen.

    • 1: When did you first discover Lana Del Rey I remember her VEVO ads for 'Born To Die' on Youtube and for some time, I disliked her a lot (don't know why), especially after a roommate said that she was this big scam artist. But then I downloaded SS (remix) and it took off from there and I loved Born To Die. 

    • 2: What was the first song that made you fall in love with her music Born To Die

    3: Favorite Lana hairstyle Paradise era (a little wavy, light brown). But I like the variety. 

    4: Favorite live performance Idk

    5: Favorite lyric (only one of them) There's nowhere on this earth I would rather be than in your bedroom breathing heavily.

    6: Would you make out with Lana if you had the chance to? FUCK YEAH

    7: Favorite facial feature Her face is worth more than the sum of its parts, etc.

    8: What's one thing you don't like about Lana? She seems a bit closed off, mysterious, not in a good way

    9: Have you ever met Lana? I did once in a dream, but she was stand offish and didn't talk to me much, but her sister was very nice.

    10: Who's you favorite artist after Lana? Idk, a lot.

    11: Would you say you're obsessed or just a really big fan? I don't know the difference, to be honest.

    12: What if Lana was secretly an evil zombie would you still love her? I'd respect that she could hide her zombie-ness so well i guess.

  3. Can someone please confirm these lyrics for Team? "Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things." (Instead of free? I can't hear free, always heard/hear things.)


    Also, "I'm kinda older than I was when I rebelled/revelled/revealed without a care. So there." It may be rebelled, but there's a definite V sound there, yet that's not how you pronounce revelled, American or otherwise.

  4. 'Spose I'm a little slow, but how can a pasty rockstar like Soileau be a part of National Anthem (or at least thought of last minute), since that song is all about hip hop? ASAP would have been thought of from Day 1, probably in Lana's mind while writing it. 

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