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Posts posted by AFFA

  1. IF (!!!!!!!) there is a countdown to anything on the website, this is what it will look like:




    In my opinion, however, it's just a basic landing page for these shopify stores, with the option of adding a countdown to a not-yet-open store along with an e-mail subscription, which is also hidden in the code as well as the countdown. So yeah, I personally don't expect a countdown but who knows.


    I compared the two css files via a text comparison website, and here are the main colors I found that changed from the old css in the new one:


    background: #245074
    input: #e39c2a
    link hover, navigation bar background: #da130e
    background of buttons: #e39d2a
    button hover: #e7d4b8
    I didn't go through all of the file, only half of it. These colors and their "meaning" may not be accurate/mean anything, so please take it with a grain of salt. These are just the new color codes in certain classes in the css file compared to the old color codes in the old css file.



    Judging by this, the website is gonna be mostly blue, orange/beige-ish and red (and white and black obv), i think? These color codes were the most common in the file besides white and black. I dont know. The background is definitely going to be that image though, so the background-color doesn't mean much bc the image is gonna take up the whole page.

  3. I compared the two css files via a text comparison website, and here are the main colors I found that changed from the old css in the new one:


    background: #245074
    input: #e39c2a
    link hover, navigation bar background: #da130e
    background of buttons: #e39d2a
    button hover: #e7d4b8
    I didn't go through all of the file, only half of it. These colors and their "meaning" may not be accurate/mean anything, so please take it with a grain of salt. These are just the new color codes in certain classes in the css file compared to the old color codes in the old css file.

  4. Dunno if it's already been posted but I found this digging around her shop -- it's either a standard template that comes with all shopify themes, or it's a photo by chuck (I guess) that gives a hint at the visual aesthetic




    Okay, the reason why I believe this is 100% the website's backgorund, is because in the css file, the class in which this image's url was found, is called ".static-background". Now, from the snapshot of shoplanadelrey on web archive shows the old layout of the website, on which one of the css files also contains this ".static-background" class and there, the background property is the same image as the one that was displayed on the website, this one:




    and here is the link to the snapshot of the website from June 7th if anybody wants to help dig deeper: https://web.archive.org/web/20190120023654/https://shoplanadelrey.com/

  5. Dunno if it's already been posted but I found this digging around her shop -- it's either a standard template that comes with all shopify themes, or it's a photo by chuck (I guess) that gives a hint at the visual aesthetic




    I think you're onto something. https://dvfnvgxhycwzf.cloudfront.net/media/ShopDesignSplit4-shopStylesheet/value/.fE6m2QGV/ShopDesignSplit4-shopStylesheet-6207.jpg This is the link to one of the images on shopuk.justinbiebermusic.com and it has the same "ShopDesignSplit4" string in it. Still could be the default theme's image, but I honestly doubt it.


    Edit: it is 100% the new site's background.

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