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Posts posted by 13beachess

  1. current:


    btd: Million Dollar Man FOR SURE :defeated:and oh also Radio!
    uv: old money

    honeymoon: title track and burnt norton interlude

    lfl: change

    nfr: the greatest, title track, bartender, hope

    cocc: title track, TFJ and Yosemite


    + your momma, butterflies part 2,  you must love me and ofc arcadia too 

  2. I'm almost 25 years old... I shouldn't feel this emotional by a person who I do not know - whom will never know me nor about my existence - deactivating their social media accounts... but here I am. Yeah, I should PROBABLY go ToUcH SoME GrASs, yeah.


  3. fuck. Now I'm sad. 

    SO THATS WHY SHE POSTED SO MUCH THESE FEW LAST DAYS? BECAUSE SHE'S NOT GOING TO POST SOMETHING EVER AGAIN AFTER TODAY :poordat: this is such a bummer. Fuck. But... good for her , I guess. :noparty: (Probably overreacting now lol I know but this is honestly so boring. As long as she is doing what makes her happy though, ofc.)

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