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Posts posted by 13beachess

  1. 36 minutes ago, DeadSeaOfMercury said:

    Idk during record store day, The girl at the counter was wearing a LDR shirt. She said she was excited for the album, I said I doubt it’s coming the 4th. BUT the other girl - who’s been there awhile smirked, She SMIRKED! Then said I think it is. The math shows that Record Stores Know about it hush hush…


    -suddenly I'm delulu too :fabcat:

  2. Murder House and Asylum(!!!) supremacy :fabcat: FUCK they will never not be good.:brows:


    I'm btw soooooo satisfied that I've got my boyfriend to like and to watch AHS with me. At least the first two (wonderfully good) seasons.:party: They're honestly getting better and better everytime I rewatch!



    Speaking of Murder House... I refuse to acknowledge Aflopalypse as canon....:toofloppy:



  3. 8 minutes ago, BlueJeans said:

    I only recently understood the beauty of « California ». And all thanks to a Lisa Simpson meme with a caption like « when you start « California » again because the part that hurts didn’t hurt you bad enough » or something like that. 

    Made me listen to the song for the first time in a long time and dang…


    Oh, all hail to the amazing, amazing Cali <3 :crai: That song is truly something else

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