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Posts posted by 320kbps

  1. where is it :creep:


    mod note: user has been warned for this post

  2. why is it always so hard to find all of gaga's demos without there being fake/fanmade shit thrown in..... i don't think i've ever seen a masterpost/list without something fake being there

  3. yeah but allie hasn't had a decent lasting era when it comes it aesthetics


    just look at her clxii videos

    paper love is literally cowboy themed??


    i mean tea :rip: i'm kinda hopeful for this era tho cuz it just reminds me of collxtion i era

  4. first of all you don't need a bgig budget to make a cute design


    secondly, I'm not talking about this era, I felt the same way for SS. Like the design was literally the logo of vaporwave with "super sunset" on it... 


    let's take Charli for example, she may not have a unique design but her logo (XCX) and her font are instantly recognisable


    Allie hasn't stuck to anything in the past 4 years, aesthetically speaking 


    i get this but at the same time i don't? tons of artists change the look of their merch with each era. hell, lana's merch this era isn't anything like any of her old stuff and has no similarities other than her name being on it

  5. Yeah but she hasn’t established it as her aesthetic

    Like you could go to urban outfitters and buy a rosemary’s baby inspired tee and it would be identical


    Not saying it’s bad cos it’s not, just saying I wish she’d establish a clear aesthetic and just stick with it throughout the merch


    maybe it'll be established with this album

  6. This album is the poster child for booty shaking. I can't keep up with the sitting still and ignoring it anymore. I hope a lot of you seek the exercise you desperately need. I'll pray for you. Peace.

  7. I feel like the hands' position is a little awkward, I tried to play around with it but still it seems like they don't belong there (it's the lighting that doesn't add up)





    Oh this looks better but idk how to photoshop like that i only hav basic knowledge of photoshop :toofunny:

    also mor people liked this than i thought!!

    but here is with and without dock




  8. This is sooo good!!!


    I love this! Please share.


    thank you omg i saw all 3 pictures and i was like dang i gotta combine these

    but here u go this is without the dock for macbook (lemme know if you want it with the colored dock??)




  9. ok so this is a lil off topic but i wanted a spooky halloween wallpaper nd i started workin on this but i feel like it looks weird idk what to do to make it better someone help






  10. Kim did it again, damn she really did that. 

    The vocals in Everybody Dies, the transitions, the knives' sfx.

    tho I would've preferred a stronger cover to tie it all in, something like this or anything but that recolor  :toofunny: 



    ok but why is this cover 1000x better :rip:

    lowkey gonna replace it

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