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Everything posted by Cacciatore

  1. I can't believe we almost got Lana in rollerblades............... and then she fell on her face
  2. I was about to comment that. I'm so happy Jack reignited her passion for writing, when she started talking about how she hasn't been writing outside the studio for the past few years I felt quite terrified
  3. Stan twitter has been pretty dedicated to bring her down lately, it's impressive how they take every little thing she says as reason to drag her. But yes for this she deserves to be dragged
  4. Honestly I think people who haven't been following this era as close as we stans and haven't listened to every single snippet over and over again will appreciate the album more. We had already listened to 80% of the album before it leaked so that may be the reason why we're not that impressed. I for one really enjoyed the album, HIAB is on repeat right now because I love it but it feels like I've been listening this album for months now, after the first listen I had a "is this it?" impression exactly because of that.
  5. I'm graduating on friday and I just received an email from my college saying I will be valedictorian If they let me choose a song for when I step on stage I'm gonna pick The Greatest
  6. Do you see a generation of younger women making music who feel influenced by you? Yeah. Queen of not being modest
  7. Slant is one of the toughest publications out there along with Pitchfork and CoS so that's a pretty good start for Mr. Norman
  8. https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/8528500/lana-del-rey-best-songs-ranked #1 Hope #2 Video Games #3 Brooklyn Baby #4 Ride #5 Born To Die #6 Shades Of Cool #7 Venice Bitch #8 Young and Beautiful #9 West Coast #10 Love I stopped reading when I saw The Blackest Day was ranked #80
  9. Did Billboard really say Hope is the best song of her entire carreer? I-
  10. Just tried Looking For America as the album closer and the superiority is clear
  11. I've predicted this months ago. It's a matter of time until some people around here start switching and praising LFL to bring NFR down. The same thing happened when LFL was released so
  12. I really wish I hadn't read y'all impressions about California before I listened to the song because I pressed play expecting a lot and it didn't live up to my expectations. It's a good track but you guys made it sound like it was the second coming of West Coast or sum
  13. Unpopular opinion: Doin' Time fits on the album better than How To Disappear. That doesn't mean I don't like HTD, I actually like que production quite a lot, but it feels very out of place
  14. About to listen to the album for the third time but this time I'm gonna place Looking for America at the end to see if it works
  15. Probably the same people who think NFR has Lana's best writing
  16. First Kanye, now The Beatles? I didn't know today was Drag Overrated Artists International Day
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