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Platform Shoes

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  1. https://mobile.twitter.com/yeaidontcur/status/1072389260467208192 How can you support this person (Grimes) but hate on Melanie for false accusations?
  2. Grimes admitted to watching child porn and even retweeted child porn on her twitter account. Melanie never raped or abused anyone.
  3. The leaked version of Drama Club is not the final. It’s an early demo, just like Unhappy Meal
  4. So excited for MM2! Can’t wait for Drama Club final
  5. Platform Shoes

    Charli XCX

  6. Platform Shoes

    Charli XCX

    Charli XCX - We Collide https://dbr.ee/Tz6E
  7. Platform Shoes


    Is Alone out in NZ yet? Could someone rip it?
  8. Platform Shoes

    Charli XCX

    Guys apparently Pop The Balloons leaked?? Does anyone have a link??
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