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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. I like it, gorgeous chorus. Has a slight Tori Amos feel.
  2. Sounds like you need a 3 month holiday from here? Want me to arrange that for you?
  3. Cant wait to see this forum crash on the 9th because of the hate and breakdowns from the song being a piano ballad.
  4. Such great promo “ heres my new single, its not fun!”.....that will peak everyones interest!!!!
  5. Its not like she works a 9-5 job to feed her 6 kids......its been over a year and a half since LFL, in that time whats she been doing other than recording and spending her millions on learning to fly planes?
  6. Can we not have cryptic messages please. Wtf is this? 24/7?
  7. Am i supposed to know who this jack person is? Back? Was he here before?
  8. LOL @ anyone spending $150 on a fucking song.
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