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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Coney Island King

    Miley Cyrus

    yeah, hes very pretentious, i can see why some dislike him, but aside from lana, i have agreed with a lot of the reviews hes done for some stuff i enjoy. i can see why he doesnt like mileys album though, i think its decent, but it is a tad try hard lyrically and very indulgent. but yeah, his review is hilarious.
  2. the album takes a bit of growing, but im liking it. i do find the concept of the album a bit much, 'tag youre it', 'baby dummy', 'i need to go poopy', 'mommy kiss me' ect, its like ok bitch we get it, chill with the references, but yeah.....im not minding the album.
  3. i assumed that, but she said the middle of the album is mid tempo and the rest is slow so im guessing its prob a ballad by the sounds of it
  4. i dont get why some of you dont like james? He seems very friendly and sweet and easy going, some of you are so cautious of him.
  5. Coney Island King

    Miley Cyrus

    theneedlerops review of the album is lol
  6. i just want snippets, ill be perfectly happy with album snippets till the album is out.
  7. great interview. maybe imaginary conversations will be a good book after all, they seem very at ease with one another. omg at gopsel influenced, god knows i tried, yesssss
  8. gurl... you make it sound like she rosie o'donnell or something geez. she looks fine.
  9. agreed. if anything i feel her music has become even more personal over the last few years. i feel like shes really taking her music in the direction she really wants to.
  10. a girl shitting underwater. honestly it wasnt that bad , it was just like seeing a seal give birth to a new breed of fish xxxx
  11. people with taste, people with actual diverse interest will very much find her.
  12. i think bcz lanas music has become so slow that hbtb is her version of techno dance x
  13. i kinda do as well. it weeds out all the dumb fucks. some fanbases are a horror to communicate with, the really big ones, they breed idiocy. im not naming names though
  14. Coney Island King

    Miley Cyrus

    i dont think itunes could put it up for free anyway? they dont do free on itunes do they?
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