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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. They will only be collector items if you don topen them, but after spending $100 on that shit im ripping it open and enjoying it to death x.
  2. The hell, ya'll hated it a day ago and now it's "official" and you all love it
  3. Yeah im just gonna wait till it comes out here. There was no sign of the Paradise box set coming out in Aus, but it did. Im sure we'll get this one too. Honestly i dont know how, her hair is so godly to me, i would be scared to ruin it if i touched it with my disgusting mortal fingers x.
  4. The Paradise box set was nice and well priced, this is cool but really overpriced. UK rates in Aussie dollars are killer, i may get it via U.S.
  5. They can fuck off for that price, but its nicely designed.
  6. I want Cruel World to build so big and epic by the end that my ears blow up and i am left unconscious from pain laying in a pool of my blood which seeps from my head sockets where my ears used to be x.
  7. I knew not to click that link because it was MySpace. Sry but who the fuck uses that past 2004?
  8. I know lol, no one likes the Yayo remake so why is everyone excited for Kill Kill?
  9. I know a lot of people who dont like Carmen. I love it.
  10. I'm glad we don't have a stupid fucking name. Thats the worst thing to happen to music in the last 10 years.
  11. Second week of June yesssssssssss confirm those dates yessssssssssss SPARKLE JUMP ROPE QUEEN YESSSSSSSSSSSS
  12. It will have 3 singles, with 3 bnw videos of her doing stuff, a tour where she wears a tshirt the whole time and strong reviews and sales.x.
  13. Omg this thread is LIFE yesss x I remember reading what that Kathi creature wrote, but cant remember the exact words, but i remember it being sooooo fucking nasty. She was old too, like in her 50s, so reading it was weird, you would expect it to be a 18 year old troll or something.
  14. Not gonna lie, when the chorus part comes on, i thought my audio was jumping lol.
  15. Once people come to terms with the new look of hers it will be easier to digest imo. Everytime i hear about something new happening, i honestly expect it to look completely LQ with little effort, it's the point of the era, so i'm never hugely disappointing or overly joyed nowdays with her. The music is really showcasing itself with this era it seems, nothing more.
  16. Im guessing so. Unless its censored?......Kiss My Way To The Top tbqh
  17. I love Haunted too, i play it all the way through yessss.
  18. Why ya'll gotta over think everything all the time. It's the cover, it's album cover shaped, it says Ultraviolence on it, we just got the track listing and release yesterday, it's obviously the cover.
  19. Just be thankful we didnt get a mess like this x
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