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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Obviously some people buy them, but a lot of music stores have shut down over the last 5 years and physical to download ratios arent really even. People d/l more than they buy. Anyway, whatevs.
  2. I think her vocals in this are gorgeous.
  3. After a few listen, the chorus is a bit weak, i dont mind it but i wanted a bit more from the chorus, verses and the guitar solo are pretty great though.
  4. I didnt even know Maxim was still around. How very 2001.
  5. Sorry but who the fuck buys cds anymore, seriously. Love that we get a bonus yesss! x
  6. Its a good song, really doesn't need to be 6 minutes long, but i like it. The guitar is gorgeous. Its a good song, really doesn't need to be 6 minutes long, but i like it. The guitar is gorgeous.
  7. She better have been paid millions to attend this dumb cunts wedding x.
  8. I don't ever want to see her at the grammies, at the MTV awards, at the Billboard awards or any other shit hole place that hands out awards to trash like Bieber, 1 Direction, Swift or whatever other child of the year is making shit albums.
  9. Heaps of couples when i saw her live. Hetero couples i mean.
  10. Im sure the extra track will just be some remix, maybe the radio mix of WC.
  11. I am so scared to play this album i think it may actually kill me.
  12. Ain't nothing shipping early, this is Lana we are talking about, she's prob still "umming" about that damn track listing an taking her damn ass time x.
  13. Omg how did you do that? i wouldn't have made it lol.
  14. 5 years ago her album was dropped and no one knew her. Now shes so loved people want to rip her in pieces and keep her, she should be grateful tbh
  15. Well at least now i can finally stop complaining. Album cover, track listing and release date all officially set. Happy for nothing else to happen and sit and wait tbqh.
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