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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. No lol, you can thank my hand which is too big for my iphone keypad!
  2. Body Electric. Burning Desier. Blue Velvet. Born To Die. Blue Jeans. This ho loves her B's.
  3. As excited as i am to hear these 3 new songs, they're all coming 2 months before the re-release launch which means by the time the new songs all get reelased we would only have 5 songs we haven't heard Oh well, still very exciting.
  4. Clearly she's channeling Lynch in a homage way and not in a "rip off" way. People are so stupid.
  5. Hope she doesn't win any, but IF she does, i can imagine she'd be getting one in Europe since she has a bigger profile there.
  6. She did mention she tried to get covers on BTD but wasn't allowed due to copywrite. She also said the re-release may have a couple covers, so it isn't too far fetched. I wouldn't mind 1 or 2 tbh.
  7. Well she does sing "is she ride or die" before the chorus.
  8. It won't be Shes Not Me because that song in it's original form sounds like NOTHING on BTD, it's a dancey electro song, not the direction this album is geared towards. UNLESS, it's re-worked heavily like Lolita was.
  9. I agree the leaking is insane and too frequent, however, as an artist, take care of your work better. If you don't want people having your work, put a better lock on it. Other artists do it.
  10. Oh really? I remember hearing Baz Lurman talk about using Smells Like Teen Spirit in Moulin Rouge, and how it took so long to get the rights because Love owned the rights and never gave Nirvana songs to anyone and they had to beg her for like 2 years to get it. Who knows. Guess we'll find out soon enough.
  11. The thing that makes me question this is that Heart Shaped Box is on it. Doesn't Courtney Love have the rights to all the Nirvana stuff? and isn't she known for being a total bitch about not letting anyone cover or use the material hardly ever???? Somehow i just can't see her letting Lana sing it if true, plus, it was such an epic live moment, it's almost too good to be true having it on the re-release. Here's hoping though, sounds good. They could have actually given us a source. Who gave theme these names ect?
  12. If it is SHE'S NOT ME, she MAY have fully changed the way the song sounds, so i wouldn't get too excited if you love the demo version. Cool news though.
  13. An awards show that gives nods to ONE DIRECTION shouldn't be giving Lana any awards tbh. CLEARLY she is in the WRONG company. Props to MTV for displaying a small glimmer of tatse with giving M.I.A a win though.
  14. Nothing to be ashamed of! it's the part 2 of a brilliant part 1!
  15. Relax, it's a joke. You seem so unhappy and uptight about everything around here tbh.
  16. Love the clothes she's wearing, very cool. Shame we don't have H&M in my country, would have been nice to see her all over billboards and such.
  17. Hollywood and Damn You haven't leaked, so i'm not sure how that post makes sense.
  18. Agreed, BTD isn't JUST all slow depressing music, it has varied melodies and beats, those songs sound fine for a bTD re-release.
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