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Everything posted by Peachycream

  1. Lol azealia is cra. She talks about all these women working with abusers yet she worked with dr. Luke. Pay her no mind.
  2. She strikes again. Jk. we're getting it tomorrow either way so who cares. this should be nothing out of the ordinary to anyone.
  3. Her voice sounds so beautiful and the guitar fits the mood so i'd say its a very good cover. i love it.
  4. First off...THE VENUE WAS SO FUCKING MESSY and the security downstairs were such pieces of shit. but... Lana was absolutely amazing. You could tell she was really enjoying herself and was so happy to be there
  5. If you have GA tickets it gets pretty bad. I was in the first row with a VIP wristband and it didnt mean anything once people started pushing their way forward lol. It got so bad the security was even yelling at a group of people for pushing and they usually don't do that when you're in the pit area because its expected. Just stand your ground and dont let anyone take your spot!
  6. It was me. Worst mistake was responding to his tweets but i was genuinely curious as to what he was going to say.
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