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  1. juliet liked a post in a topic by Charlie in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    She better not Instagram filter this shit again
  2. juliet liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Lana Del Rey Typography On Renaissance Paintings   
    I don't know if this counts as fan art... but I've recently come up with quite the pretentious/hipstery project in which I select LDR lyrics and put them on cropped classic paintings. I'd love all of your artistic~ and aesthetic~ input and would absolutely LOVE suggestions for lyrics and artworks! Follow the blog here (shameless plug, teehee.)
    Here's a few:



  3. juliet liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Lana Del Rey Typography On Renaissance Paintings   
    i love renaissance art and i love lana, it's a match made in heaven!
  4. juliet liked a post in a topic by fessle in Meeting Lana Del Rey   
    First of all hell yes I want to meet Lana!
    I would love to meet her.
    Hopefully she comes to Chicago sometime soon, and then I'd just stay after to meet her or go really early if its a weekend concert. That'd be sweet!! I'd give her a letter and a portrait and call it a day. Oh and get a picture of her kissing me or something that would be perfect haha.
    Now...who knows how/when this will actually happen!
    I'd love to see stories of how you all met Lana too!
  5. juliet liked a post in a topic by paradise27390 in A little something from my journal...   
    This is the first page in my most recent journal...

    Nothing special but it's cute, right? :smiles:
  6. juliet liked a post in a topic by Waywent in "Bel Air" Video + First Mention of New Film "TROPICO"   
    It's not even that. The album's already leaked, and I think she just wants to share the music with us. The video means nothing, it's just something she put together to accompany the song so her fans have something to look at while they listen. God bless this woman.
  7. juliet liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Lanakai's Fan Videos and Covers   
    Just a little something I made
    Sorry it's a link... The forums won't embed videos from Daily Motion I guess...?
  8. juliet liked a post in a topic by NEAL in RIDE MONOLOGUE   



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