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Everything posted by drewlwhite

  1. drewlwhite

    Charli XCX

    https://twitter.com/drewlwhite/status/1248000760660529155?s=20 ok fuck that let's try with twitter lmaoo My covers
  2. drewlwhite

    Charli XCX

    http://<a href="https://imgur.com/3qIpJso"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/3qIpJso.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a> http://<a href="https://imgur.com/7R5k3s6"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/7R5k3s6.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a> don't even know if this is the right way but it's the only way the forum will let me post I can't decide which font fits better
  3. drewlwhite

    Charli XCX

    how do I post a pic wtf. I'm torn between two versions of the cover and I need opinions
  4. drewlwhite

    Charli XCX

    I don't get it...is she joking or am I really supposed to use those pics tho make an artwork? lol
  5. drewlwhite

    Charli XCX

    idk seems like she's trying so hard to recreate a (discount) True Romance vibe. I'll wait the final product but so far it looks kinda forced
  6. drewlwhite

    Charli XCX

    this makes me want a PCountry album a la Guyliner pt2/Music so much lmao
  7. drewlwhite

    Charli XCX

    I NEED another non bland and non crowded Tove collab. Something that slaps. a la Say It meets A.G. ffs let that kpop fuckery stay out of this please.
  8. drewlwhite

    Charli XCX

    @@LMAlejandro begging you to send her some beats omg. Also kinda worried about what the final outcome will be...gosh let them be COMPETENT gays to work with her But Anyway loooove how N1A was more about the experimentation with structures/styles, Pop2 sound experimentation and this (basically third mixtape) will be all about working with and for the fans. Pls Choli put a "3" in the final title
  9. drewlwhite

    Charli XCX

    sjhjkjjssjsj I Don't Think I Can Bare Such A Long Title it's one of my fave 2019 songs and Feb2019 its a Charli highlight
  10. Why does the final version of the cover looks waaaaaay cheaper than the leaked dark one? the rendering it's just so bad omg. The dark version was perfect and actually looked realistic. This one looks like they said "lets downscale the rendering, put a grainy and lightness filter and there we have a new official version of the leaked one"
  11. drewlwhite

    Charli XCX

  12. drewlwhite

    Charli XCX

  13. why does everybody hates FSOM so much?! it's like the best alongside Birthday Party (with all of them being strong 9s at least). I love how this record is shaping up to be a giant tribute to the 90s/early 2000s sounds and culture. People: the Nirvana-ish/grunge song. FSOM: the trip-hop, VERY Ray Of Light type of song. Me&You: the Avril Lavigne/early 00s pop rock song. Birthday Party: the UK garage/alt rock song. JC 2005: the acoustic instrospective song, and obviously the title and the "forbidden gay romance" theme nostalgia is the word to describe these songs so far.
  14. drewlwhite

    Charli XCX

    Stay Away A guy I started dating on vacation two years ago basically dedicated it to me. I was a very newbie Mixtape Angel (from Pop2s release) and I was willingly ignoring the existence of TR til that moment. We lived 12hrs of drive away so we were always doomed from the start (I dedicated him Tove's Timebomb lol) so when he ran away with another guy, the lyrics of Stay Away REALLY resonated with me lol
  15. drewlwhite

    Charli XCX

    waiting @@BloomForYou 's response to this accusation we love a fight between insiders
  16. drewlwhite

    Dua Lipa

    Have to listen it the second time still, but it's a 10/11. such a shame the last two tracks are so out of place and underproduced. Good In Bed is a very generic 2019/2020 pop song with A LOT of harmonic crashes, like wtff are those horrible melodies? BWBB is cute but doesn't fit the fun careless vibe of the album and sonically is very boring and non cohesive with the rest, still better than GIB tho. She could've easily swept them with If It Aint Me and One Kiss (that was obviously the blueprint for the whole Future Nostalgia concept/sound, especially in DSN and Hallucinate). This album feels a lot like COADF in a lot of cuts. Physical - Hung Up, Love Again - Let It Will Be, Hallucinate - How High/ILNY And it kinda has the same purpose as that album with the reviving the 70s/80s+90s with a modern twist. Dua Lupa main pop girl YES.
  17. drewlwhite

    Dua Lipa

    imagine thinking that two fucking weeks of reproductions lost won't affect the hype value and the strem counts of an album that will be old once published. i'm not talking about a couple of days prior leak. it's not that difficult
  18. drewlwhite

    Dua Lipa

    THIS. it's not like the album is two days away. It's two freaking weeks. Everybody listening it's just being disrespectful to the girl they were idolatrizing as the "savior of mainstream pop" til yesterday. The amount of streams and hype that will get lost in the next two weeks...
  19. drewlwhite

    Tove Lo

    *like a very rough demo
  20. Just got my copy of Pang (with 10 days of delay yikes) and my goodness Comte SNAPPED with that photoshoot also the golden inserts in the booklet are just WOW, the effort that was put in this (Choli looking at you )
  21. drewlwhite

    Tove Lo

    imagine not having taste. that song is a peak of qotc, like...the way it's composed, with the out of time fast talking that represents the out of time relationship, the slow chorus as a slow motion explosion. And the lyrics related sooo so much to a summer affair I've had two years ago (and tbh, to most gay relationships ) so yupp. no taste
  22. drewlwhite

    Tove Lo

    but it sound A LOT QOTC-ish so it might have been registred back then, i guess thats what they meant btw just went through Queen of the Clouds and wheew...although it sounds very dated and 2014 (except the singles) it's such a perfect album and debut Timebomb and Moments...career highlights and fine wine
  23. drewlwhite

    Tove Lo

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